JULY 7, 04
I need a job.
There are so many cds I need to buy and I still want a digital camera, but the funds are majorly lacking. Give me money!!

Because my summer has been majorly dull and boring, I've been reading a lot. I like got all these books that I need to read for next year, so I'm just getting ahead in my school work I suppose.
  • Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
  • Tess of the D'Ubervilles - Thomas Hardy
  • Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

    I just found out that my GPA for this past year was 3.69. One more point and I could have got a 3.7. Blah, just thought I'd let you know. I'm not as dumb as I seem.

    JULY 1, 04
    Haha ok so if you've read about mr. guy in my past entry, apparently a few days after that he ended up breaking his shoulder and collarbone. You might find it weird that I find that funny, but it really is if you think about it. Even though he's being a totally bitch to me, I still sent him a nice card and everything because I'm so sweet ;D
    Gah made a new layout. If I looked at the old one one more time, I think I wouldn't have barfed or something.
    I went to Cedar Point on Tuesday, and I had a kickass time. It was so fun, I kept getting really hyper and getting on everyones nerves. I now have an obsession with like poking people and acting like I didn't do it. Thats my idea of fun
    Screw plugs, they don't do anything anyway.

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