Project Management






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Bachelor of Engineering


Project Management Summary

Over 3.5 years (45 Months) experience in Project Management. Over 5000 Hours in managing various development and implementation projects in the software industry.

     1)      Duration: May 1998 – Present (24 Months), 3700 Hours

        As a Project Manager at ABC Inc.., managed the roll out of software products and implementation            projects for various clients.

        The following projects were executed during the above time frame:

i)                     Software Development Projects –

a)       Rollout of Automated Import System

b)      Rollout of Automated Protest System

ii)                   Implementation Projects –

a)       Customization and Implementation of Automated Protest System for 2 Clients

b)      Customization and Implementation of Automated Imports System

iii)                  Other Projects –

a)       Year 2000 Readiness Project for ISSI


        2)       Duration: June 1997 – March 1998 (10 Months), 1200 Hours


At 123 Inc.., managed a project team of 8 Software Engineers and 2 Quality Analysts. The Project team was responsible for

         i)                    Development of CSM-Maveric, an inventory control software for the oil industry


        3)       Duration: October 1996 – May 1997 (8 Months), 700 Hours

         i)                    Managed a project to set-up the software development division for DSC GMBH for MANN


        Project 1

Automated Protest System

May 1998  - September 1998

Total Time Spent:  740 Hours

Initiating Process, Time Spent:  20 Hours

·      Had discussions to determine the need for the development of the Automated Protest System and to understand the expectations of the executive management

·      Based on the inputs received from the management and the discussions with the functional experts the Project Charter was developed

·      Was named the Project Manager for the development of Automated protest System

·      Was involved in the project team finalization

·      Conducted team meeting during which the team members were introduced

Planning Process, Time Spent:  260 Hours

·      Scope Planning

Was involved in the development of a scope statement which consisted of the following details:

-      Major deliverables of the project, viz.

1) Protest Entry Module

2) Customs Transmission Module

3) User Manual

4) Installation Guide

-      Broad function of each of the above module

-      Analysis and justification of the technology to be adopted

-      The Coding standards to be adopted

·      Scope Definition

The following activities were carried as part of the scope definition. The two modules of the software which were defined as deliverables in scope statement was further sub-divided specific deliverables to each module:

-      Worked with the functional group to document the functionality of the above modules. Based on the inputs received from the functional group the functional specification document was developed

-      Co-ordinated discussions between the functional and the development group

-      The functional requirements outlined in the functional specification document was translated to the technical Design Document, which formed the basis of coding

-      Had discussions with the development and testing teams to develop the formats of the following, to be used during the testing phase:

·     Unit Test Plan

·     Integration Test Plan

-      Developed the WBS for the project outlining the various activities

·      Activity Definition

-     Using the WBS the various activities of the project were clearly identified and defined

·      Activity Sequencing

-      The relationship between the various activities were determined and the activity sequence was developed

·      Activity Duration Estimation and Schedule Development

-      The time required for each activity was estimated and the project schedule was developed

·      Resource Planning

-      Not Applicable

·      Cost Estimating

-      Not Applicable

·      Cost Budgeting

-      Not Applicable

·      Quality Planning

-      Conducted discussions on the various testing procedures to be adopted during the development and the same were documented

·      Organizational Planning & Staff Acquisition

-      Not applicable

·      Communication Planning

-      The communication methodology to be followed during the entire course of the project was discussed and determined. Standard templates for various reports were developed

·      Risk Identification, Quantification and Response Development

-      The various external risks (Customs regulations) and internal risks (technology migration) involved in the product development were identified, quantified and the probable responses should the risks arise were formulated

·      Procurement Planning

-      Not Applicable

·      Solicitation Planning

-      Not Applicable

·      Project Plan Development

-      The project plan was developed outlining the various activities, resources who will be responsible for the activities, the time frame when each activity will begin and end, various methods of communication internal and external to the project etc.

Executing Process, Time Spent: 380 hours

·         Project Plan Execution

-      Ensured that the various tasks identified in the project plan were completed. The progress of each task was monitored. The quality of performance of each task was tracked. The changes of scope, which occurred during the project plan execution were documented and the schedule was revised based on the change and the project was executed.

·         Information Distribution

-      Monitored the project progress using the various reporting formats. The management was informed of the progress. The testers were informed of the daily progress and the new features to be tested. The testing feedback was distributed back to the development team for the corrections

·         Team Development

-      Conducted regular meetings were to ensure interactions between the team members. One team member was asked to test the other persons work and vice versa to induce the sense f team spirit in the team which lead to team development

·         Quality Assurance

-      Monitored the testing of the system features based on the test plans developed to ensure the proper performance and quality of the developed software

·         Scope verification

-      Each feature of the developed software was compared against the scope definition to ensure that the deviation from the scope definition was minimum. Conducted review meetings at the completion of each feature to verify if it adhered to the scope definition

·         Solicitation

-      Not Applicable

·         Source Selection

-      Not Applicable

·         Contract Administration

-      Not Applicable

Controlling Process, Time Spent: 60 Hours

·         Performance Reporting

-      The progress of the development was monitored continuously through various reports and status review meetings. Informed the management on the progress of the project through presentations and demonstrations.

·         Overall Change Control

-      The Changes in the scope and schedule of the project was constantly monitored using change control documents and project plan revisions

·         Quality Control

-      Held meetings with the testing team to ensure quality control of the product

·         Risk Response Control

-      Not applicable

Closing Process, Time Spent: 20 Hours

·         Administrative Closure

-      Project completion meeting was completed with the project team and the product was signed off for release. The implementation team was trained on the product and the protest system was handed over to the implementation team. Complete documentation related to the system was handed over. The project team was relieved of the responsibilities of the product and the project was formally closed

·         Contract Close-out

-      Not applicable

Project 2

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