Welcome to the

Shire of Myrtleholt

Schedule of coming events
Arts & Sciences
Pictues of Myrtleholt populace and events
Contact the Myrtleholt Officers













ST. Eggburts and GateKeeper Tourny

The Shire of Myrtleholt is hosting our St eggburts and GateKeeper Tourny. Check oput the Events page for more info

In later October. Geocities will be shutting down. The Shire is currently in the process of moving to another server for its web hosting needs


Myrtleholt has a yahoo group. If you would like to join us there please do so here



   Greetings to all ye wanderers and welcome to the Shire of Myrtleholt web site. Let me tell you a little about us, Myrtleholt is located in Josephine County, OR and many of us that call it our home are members of the SCA, at the very least we are interested recreating our own little portion of the middle ages.

   What is the SCA? The SCA Stands for the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is a group dedicated to researching and recreating the Middle Ages, in the present. The basic purpose of the SCA is to study and recreate the Western civilization before 1600 AD. , concentrating on the Western European High Middle Ages. In short members of Myrtleholt and of the SCA study and practice dance, calligraphy, martial arts, cooking, metalwork, stained glass, costuming, literature... well, if they did it back then, somebody in the SCA does it now. Many groups meet and at these meetings we dance, talk, study, learn, revel, and make plans.

Visit the  SCA web site or contact us via the contacts page to learn more about it and how you can join in the fun.

Behold The Mighty Atomic Myrtleholt Tree!

click to learn more about Myrtlewood and the magestic Myrtle tree.


This is the officially recognized web site for the Shire of Myrtleholt of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., however, it is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In case of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this site or its links, disputes will be decided in favor of the printed version.

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