visits since July 16, 2003

Runbox Toolbar

');if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')>=0)D.close();}})();">Runbox Toolbar

What is it?

This bookmarklet will display a Runbox Toolbar containing many of the Runbox Bookmarklets found at Runbox Bookmarklets. If you are unfamiliar with the Runbox Bookmarklets please read the information at this site.

The Runbox Toolbar also provides some "quick links" to things like Folder Preferences (Folder|Preferences) and viewing a Folder List (Folder|Jump To). And message selection features like Select All, Select None and Invert Selection (contributed by Pedro Branco).

A unique feature provided by the Runbox Toolbar is the ability to "Auto Open" either the HTML or printable versions of a message!

What can I do with it?

Here is a description of all the features of Runbox Toolbar:

Toolbar Menu Item Toolbar Menu Item Description
|<   <<   >>   >|  Page/Message Navigation: First, Previous, Next, Last
View Runbox Window Brings the Runbox Window to the front.
View Message Window Brings the Printable/HTML Message Window to the front.
Folder These apply to folders:
 List: All Lists all messages in a folder listing.
 Select: All Checks all listed messages in a folder listing.
 Select: None Unchecks all listed messages in a folder listing.
 Select: Invert Switches Checked/Unchecked for all listed messages in a folder listing.
 Preferences Opens the Preferences page in a window for a folder selected from a popup folder name list (opened in a "Preferences" window).
 Jump To Changes the Runbox Window to the folder listing for a folder selected from a popup folder name list.
Move These are for moving messages to folders:
 Move+Next Move message your are reading to marked folder and read next message.
 Move+Prev Move message your are reading to marked folder and read previous message.
 Move To Folder Move message your are reading or checked messages from folder listing to a folder selected from a popup folder name list (always returns to folder listing).
Delete These are for deleting messages:
 Delete+Next Delete message your are reading and read next message.
 Delete+Prev Delete message your are reading and read previous message.
 Delete Permanently Permanently deletes the message your are reading or selected messages from a folder listing (always returns to folder listing).
Compose These are for composing messages:
 Pick From+Reply-To Pick the From Name, From Email, Reply-To Email from a list or manually enter these. You should attach files before setting From/Reply-To because Runbox always resets this to the folder default after attaching files.
 Pick Nicknames Pick the "To", "CC", "BCC" from a list of Group/Individual Nicknames.
Search These are for performing searches:
 Search All By Subject Use text selection to search all folders by Subject.
 Search Folder By Subject Use text selection to search current folder by Subject.
 Search All By From Use text selection to search all folders by From.
 Search Folder By From Use text selection to search current folder by From.
  NOTE: All search results are opened in their own windows.
Address Book These are for adding to the Address Book:
 Add Nickname Use text selection as email for new address entry.
 Add Name User text selection as name/email for new address entry.
  NOTE: These are always opened in an "AddressBook" window.
Preferences These are for setting toolbar preferences:
Auto Open HTML Check this to activate the automatic opening of the "HTML version of message" attachment.
Auto Open Printable Check this to activate the automatic opening of the "print format" version of message.
(1) "Auto Open" requires the browser to allow Popup Windows for the Runbox domain you are using.
(2) If both "Auto Open" options are checked, the HTML version will be displayed if it is available, otherwise the printable version will be displayed.
To Top On Change Check this to automatically bring toolbar to top when Runbox Window changes pages.
Polling Status
 Flashes to indicate the Runbox Window monitor is working.
 Closes the toolbar. Note: Use this in Opera because the [X] to close a window does not appear to process the "onUnload" event.

What does it work with?

I've done most of my testing using Mozilla 1.5a (build 20030710), Mozilla Firebird 0.6 (build 20030624), IE 5.5 (5.50.4807.2300) and Opera 7.11 (build 2887) running under Windows 2000 and Windows 98. I had problems with earlier versions of Opera.

I do not have IE 6 or Netscape but some tests with an earlier version of the toolbar (by Liz, Geir and Arunav at Runbox) indicated that it should work with those browsers and also on a Mac.

How do I install it?

The link near the top of this page called "Runbox Toolbar" is the bookmarklet to launch the toolbar. To save a bookmarklet, right click on the bookmarklet link and choose the item to add a bookmark (will usually say bookmarks or favorites). Or, drag the bookmarklet link to your bookmark toolbar.

How does it work?

By clicking on the "Runbox Toolbar" bookmarklet, you launch the Runbox Toolbar (a vertical 200x300 window in the upper right corner). The Runbox Toolbar can only be launched from a Runbox domain (e.g.,, The bookmarlet "instructs" the toolbar window to load the toolbar content from a javascript file. This approach allows the bookmarklet to be small in size (so it should even work with IE 6).

The Runbox Toolbar "attaches" to the window where it is opened (if you like have multiple Runbox windows active, each window can have it's own toolbar). It will then begin monitoring the page location being viewed in this Runbox Window. The page location is checked once every 1/2 second. A "Polling Status" indicator (a radio button) at the bottom of the Runbox Toolbar will toggle on and off every second to show that the Runbox Window is being monitored.

If the page location changes and if the "To Top On Change" preference is checked, the toolbar will bring itself to the front.

If the page location indicates you are reading a message, the toolbar will scan the page looking for a link called "HTML version of message". If it finds it AND if you have checked the "Auto Open HTML" preference for the toolbar, it will automatically open the HTML version in the Message Window (if the Message Window does not exist yet it will be created). If no HTML message is found or if the HTML option is not checked, it will see if the "Auto Open Printable" preference is checked. If it is, it will automatically open the "print format" version of the message.

If the Runbox Window is closed or the page location leaves the Runbox domain, the Runbox Toolbar will automatically close. If the toolbar's Message Window is open, it will also be closed.

The Runbox Toolbar stores the preferences as a cookie for the specific Runbox domain (e.g.,,, so it can remember your preferences. The cookie is refreshed each time you load the toolbar or change preferences. The cookie will expire after one year (365 days) from last refresh.

Due to javascript security restrictions, the javascript file can not reside on your harddrive and has to be loaded over the internet. This bookmarklet will load the following remote javascript file:

This remote javascript has an extension of "txt" instead of the more common "js" extension because Yahoo! Geocities automatically inserts it's own "HTML stuff" into "htm", "html" and "js" files (maybe others too) that will mess up the javascript. It leaves "txt" files "as is" so this extension was used instead.

If you don't like loading the toolbar from Yahoo! Geocities, you can put a copy of the Runbar.txt file on any other web site and load it from there. You just need to change the path in the "Runbox Toolbar" bookmarklet to the new location of the javascript file. However, you won't always have the most current version of the toolbar.

Revision History

2003.07.16.1 - Initial Release.

2003.07.18.2 - Fixed problem with Auto Open Printable.

2003.07.21.11 - With IE, some pages required Toolbar focus after page is loaded.

2003.07.27.1 - Changed Pick Nicknames to not allow leading comma to avoid a problem with Runbox and leading commas used with nicknames.

Runbox Toolbar
Copyright � 2003
Richard Carver

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