Wing Roll Servo
Here are the individual pieces I made. The front and back pieces sandwich the rib, the 3 angles are to brace / stiffen the rib, and the other piece is the keeper for the arm.
I made an inboard and outboard piece to sandwich the first rib outboard of the bellcrank. I have angle iron on the rear of the outboard plate (left above), 4 platenuts to mount the servo, and that tab you see at the bottom of the left picture is a keeper for the servo arm. In the event the roll pin that connects the control arm to the servo shaft shears, that plate will keep the arm on the shaft, and not allow it to fall off and cause it to jam up the controls.
After I clecoed the bracket in place and installed the servo, I found I needed to trim the keeper so I could get the proper travel for the control arm. The picture above left is before the trim, and to the left here is after. Also notice I primed the bottom of the piece again since I cut it, now it is two tone.
Here the two bracket pieces are riveted onto the rib, and ready for the servo installation.
Finally, here is the roll servo installed. I set the neutral position on the aileron, then adjusted the pushrod so the servo arm was perpendicular to the pushrod. Then I checked the range of motion, the arm travels approximatly plus and minus 30 degrees.
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