// sandydarling // blog // archive // rants // the plan // preferred // guestbook // quotable // about //

// sandydarling //
at one point or another in your life, you'll realize just how much easier it is to type rather than write slowly in a winnie the pooh journal. so that's when you start updating a blogger. then you realize your host people suck, i mean, they won't even let you link graphics. so that's when you resort to yahoo! geocities and make your own page. (deep down in your mind you know it's way better if you had your own domain, but because that costs money, ahhhh no.) you then decide that you're way too happy and you should stop using the bright yellows and pinks. so that's why you opt for the classy black and white thingie. and, oh, surprise! you actually find a picture of yourself that you like. so you include that on the page. what a shocker and a half. and a quarter. and another quarter. oh look, that's two!!
// archive //
march 2002
april 2002
may 2002
june 2002
// rants //
when you're as bothered by little things as me, you rant. constantly. to a point where your teachers are a little bit afraid of you, and others sometimes watch you with fear and awe. that's just SUPER my friends. anyhow your opinions count, but not as much as mine. mwahaha. enter the twisted world of sandydarling - oh wait, just a warning, apparently my mind's in the gutter 98% of the time. the other 2%, well it's coz i'm asleep :P - or so they say.

the bag fiasco
the word <beautiful>
on barbie
the perfect friend
goddess of thinness
wtf is love
that lil' occurrence
pop music

// the plan //
it's not evil, don't worry. it's just fun. and very interesting. by the way, i hope my dad isn't reading this :P
// preferred //
the things that i adore - and why they're the best.
(ie: parasuco jeans and nokia phones)
// guestbook //
you knew this was coming!!
sign it or view it
// quotable //
"oh i hope i am not that! that leaves no room for developments! and i intend to develop in many directions..."

- oscar wilde, from <the importantance of being earnest>

2002-07-11 - 11:31PM

i have my own blog on my own site with my own address, i'm just too lazy to link it and work on it. so we'll take what's here and see what we can conjure up. i'm going to archive june, the sad three entries that were there...then maybe copy and paste this thing into my blog section on mango goddess.

boys, girls, lies, cheating, so-called fuckin friends. that just about sums up the life i'm in right now. aaron i hope you're alright, you weren't supposed to find out this way...i'm sorry lil' jap.

if life was easy for you then you haven't evolved enough to be human.

2002-07-08 - 10:48PM

i'm one lazy bitch. haven't updated since forever! mexico was a blast...at first i was all into getting drunk and getting laid (sorry baby) but then the unthinkable happened. i got buzzed the first night, super buzzed the second, and by the third, i was just drunk. i bounced on the bed and wanted to go to the bathroom a lot. we met these boys and one of them even told me that he "called" (as in claimed) me or something like that...*shudders* and my drunken mind was going omg this is fuckin scary! i don't like this at all. omg he wants to make out with me?! RUN!!!!!!!!! and i ran. i took off with my cell phone and i ran. left some crazy msg on greg's cell, called tommy (who by the way, told me to "go for it") and went back to room feeling like i was going to puke. by then i think jason had lost interest coz obviously (after he'd been trying for two nights) i wasn't going to do anything with him, so he was leaving. thank goodness. as soon as he left and jenn had gone in the bathroom or somethin, i collapsed against the mini fridge in the "powder room area" and called greg again. i remember crying and missing him lots. when it actually came to a situation where i could cheat on greg, i couldn't do it. i just couldn't let myself ruin my relationship. i would never be able to face him again without feeling guilty or something and i could never hide it either. our relationship is too good to just kill because of some dumb vacation fling. if i was single, sure i woulda gone for it, but i'm in a good relationship that i want to keep. everyone kept on telling me to go for it, but what do they know?!

gots pics and stuff to scan and post, but that'll all happen hopefully before the end of summer when my site will be complete. *gasps* can't imagine that happening but it will come true!!!!!

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