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  July 10,2003
todays topic:Witnessing
deuteronomy 4:6(wittness through good Conduct) Observe them carfully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about these decrees and say, "Surley this great nation is a wise and understanding peaple".
Psalm 119:46(wittness to those in power) I will speak of your status to kings and will not de put to shame
Judges 5:11 (tell of it)the voice of singers at the watering places. They Recite the righteous acts of the lord the righteous acts of his warriors in Israel

Many peaple are afraid about what others will think about them when they witness but all it takes is bringing one person to Christ and you forget all about that. You get so excited when one of your best friends believes in what you believe in. You relize who your true friends are when they listen to what you have to say and they respect your beliefs. Let peaple see Gods light shining through. Even the peaple who don't like you will want what you have if you Show Gods love. Like the Newsboys song
"Shine" says:"Shine, let them wonder what you got let them wish that they were not on the outside looking Bored". God loves all and we should do the same. So pray for God to give you strength to go through the world and spread the good news to all and let God be your banner(Jehova Nissi)!
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