*..Consider this your paycheck. Everyone likes to earn money..even if it is just for fun. The DEW staff would like to reward you for your time and efforts that you put into this game. Which is why we have come up with this fair and easy to follow system.

Each Signed wrestler no matter what title you have will start with $25,000.00 this week, then the belt holders will get more, and so on.

$100.00 Per Role Play

$100.00 BONUS Per Role Play over your opponent. If you submit 4 role plays to your opponents 3..$100 bonus.

$1000.00 Per Win

$250.00 Per Loss

$1000.00 Per Tag Member Win


$1500.00 Bonus Successful Title Defense

$100.00 Bonus PPV Win

$200.00 Bonus for winning a title

$200.00 Bonus for Writting a Match


*..Now you're probably asking what can I do with this cold hard cash I've just earned. Current storylines and angles will usually determine where you would rank for a certain title shot. But there comes a time when you may not be involved in any such angle or storyline, but still desire that coveted Title Shot. Here's where your money comes in handy. You can earn a spot by dipping into your big bankroll and 'BUY' a shot at the champion. Here you'll find how many 'Benjimins' you'll need to shell out. Don't get too greedy or you may end up wiping out all you've earned in one shot, and have to start at the bottom again..


$75,000.00 ..DEW World Championship shot

$50,000.00 ..DEW Television Championship shot

$20,000.00 ..DEW Tag Team Championship shot
*$10,000.00 per member*

$20,000.00 ..Extreme Championship shot

$15,000.00 ...Women's Championship shot


*But there are other things to spend your DEW bankroll on. Sometimes a wrestler may want a certain type of match. If a stipulation hasn't been issued by DEW management upon booking, then certain stips may be purchased* Hardcore Match - This match is the Basic House rules. Most matches are hardcore ones. These matches can go anywhere in and out of the ring. But falls must occur inside the ring. *fee: $400.00*

Anywhere Falls Match - The basic of a Hardcore Match, only you can pin someone anywhere. *fee: $400.00*

Last Man Standing - Two Wrestlers beat the living hell out of each other until one man can't answer the referee�s ten count. *fee: $460.00*

2 out of 3 Falls Match - Pretty self explanatory, and after the first two falls there is a ten count for the person that was pinned to either get back up to his feet or get back in the ring in case the fall came outside the ring. Falls can come from pin, submission, DQ, count out, tap out, or knock out. *fee: $450.00*

Submission Match - Very simple, the first person that puts their opponent in a submission hold and gets them to tap or yell �I Quit� is the winner. There are no DQ�s, count outs, or pin falls the only way to win is through submission. *fee: $400.00*

Weapons Match - A dumpster filled with weapons is brought out to ringside and that is all that there is. The match can end in pinfall, DQ, whatever the weapons are just there to make the match more interesting and hardcore. *fee: $750.00*

Flaming Tables Match - Tables are placed in and around the ring with bags that have bottles of lighter fluid and Zippo lighters. The first person to light up a table and put his opponent(s) through it is the winner. *fee: $500.00*

BarbedWire Tables Match - Tables that are wrapped in barb wire are set up all over ringside and one is in the ring. These tables are just add ons to a Hardcore Match. Win by pinfall or submission. *fee: $1000.00*

Razor Wire Ladder Match - A Ladder sits at ringside waiting to be set up. But there is a catch...the ladder is wrapped in RAZOR WIRE! Literally covered in the hellish steel. The ladder match can now really be a hardcore threat with this match. *fee: $1100.00*

Tables Ladders and Chairs Match - Just like a Ladders and Tables Match but the differences are the chairs are supplied and there is either a title belt or an object hanging above the ring and you must climb a ladder and grab it. The first person to do this wins the match. *fee: $1250.00*

Barb and Razor Wire Cage - A 10 foot high steel cage is attached to the ring and is wrapped in barb and razor wire. There is no way in or out of the cage. The only way to win is to pin your opponent or make him submit. *fee: $2500.00*

Stretcher Match - The most innovated match in e-w history. This is a match where the only way to win is to hurt your opponent so bad that he must be taken out of the arena on a stretcher. No Pins, No Submissions, No DQs, No Count Outs, No Rules in this match at all. *fee: $3000.00*

Born to be Wired Match - A Barb Wire Match that contains two barb wire baseball bats in the ring as well as a bed of barb wire. And on the outside of the ring there is a bed of glass! *fee: $4500.00*

Chamber of Horrors Match - An Electrified Steel Cage, laced with all kinds of weapons and rolls of barbed wire, and razor wire in and around the ring. A Hell in a Cell cage covers the electrified Cage without a top on it. There are only two ways to win, either by pinfall or by somehow escaping the inescapable cage. *fee: $5500.00*


*..Stipulation matches and title shots are just a few. Here are a few others that you may spend your cash on. Remember, the following may or may not have an effect in the outcome of a match*


No outside interference- you may purchase protection from DEW management that no outside interference will occur during the match. You may use this item to thwart(stop) one attack request if one has been submitted. *fee: 950.00*

Free Promo shoot- You can purchase this item and use it as a free roleplay. Which means simply, if you buy this item and you submit 4 rps, you can use this as your 5th. *fee: $1500.00*

Bribe the Referee- *This item is used by HEEL alignment only* You can purchase this item to secretly payoff a referee. This could help or cost you as management sees fit *fee: $1000.00*

Special Guest Referee- You can purchase this item to request either being as a guest referee or naming a guest referee. *fee: $1000.00*

Surprise Attack- You can purchase this item to launch an unsuspecting attack on your opponent. The attack must be submitted in writing to the DEW staff upon purchase. *fee: $1100.00*

Barred from Ringside- You can purchase this item to legally keep someone from being at ringside. Good for use against stables or tag partners. *fee: $1250.00*


*..Just as the money can help you..it can also be used against you. Think of this as the DEW 'LAW'. If you do something that doesn't adhere to the DEW rules..then you must pay the consequenses. These are the FINES that follow..*


Abuse of DEW officials- This includes anyone on the DEW staff, backstage interviewers, referees, commentators and management. *fine: -$1000.00*

No showing- If you fail to rp for your match..it'll cost ya. *fine: -$500.00*

No showing any title match- If you hold a title and are scheduled to defend and fail to rp, you may be fined AND/OR stripped of said title. *fine: -$1500.00*

Use of another handlers character- If you fail to get permission from them and you use them in an rp..it'll cost ya. *fine: -$500.00*

*..DISCLAIMER..Now just because you've laid down the funds for a title shot, you still have to wait for an opportunity set by the DEW Staff. Any and all purchase requests are subject to the DEW Staff's approval..*

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