
The streak still on the line against a worthy opponent this time in Marquis. Marquis has joined up with Ascended Supremacy to advance his career and to stand out of the locker room backstage. But one man is here to stop the light shining on Marquis and that is Raven Frost. Also Frost's streak is on the line in this match so both ways, they both lose something.

Scene 1

Music: "Lunchbox" Marylin Manson
Mood: Happy
Time: 7:00 pm

~~Frost is seen outside of a Dracula's old castle, the legend of Dracula is well known all over the world. It seems that Marquis is the future of Dracula but the kid isnt even close to be like the legend.~~

Frost: Well,unlike some of the legend in life, Dracula is one that is fear by many and respect by alot. But this kid Marquis want to be feared, to be respect like the rest. But as the saying goes you want respect you earn it. Maybe you defeated Mysery and buried him but you didnt finish the job and put him out of his career. He is back but Mysery is hard one to get rid of.

~~Frost walks into the castle and looks around~~

Frost: Guess I will have to do my own tour. Just like I have to take out Marquis myself.

~~Frost walks around looking at the old antique castle and all the different paintings on the wall~~

Frost: Old building vampires live a weird live. Hiding in the light and coming at night. Drinking on blood to survive. Sucking the life force from others just to live. Strange stuff.

~~Frost walks around some more as he sees a picture of Dracula and then thinks of Marquis~~

Frost: Marquis, is this role model. Do you want to be just like this man here and become a legend, and God among Mortals and Immortals? Do you want to live forever? You live in a weird fairytale land. You believe that if you suck blood you will live forever and that you will never die. Funny we all believe in something different that no one else agrees or believes in. Just like I am the Anti-drug of SIW. The man that is here to cleanse SIW of all the filth. Now you probably thinking that I cant do it. That I am useless but I understand Marquis. You want the challenge to face me to end my streak because yours ended. I understand believe me I do. You want to stop mines so I dont get better then you at all.

~~Frost walks out the castle and sits outside as he looks up at the castle~~

Frost: Marquis you had alot of words to stay about me. Alot but you seemed to be focus on my partner Mysery more. Dont worry about Mysery right now he has plans for you kid, and not good ones. But you should worry about me, my streak is on the line and you will not end it and I will make sure you dont. You think you can beat me. You think alot dont you. Too much but you dont really have a clue of what is going on at all do you. You think that you are immortal and that no one can hurt you or beat you. Just because you joined Ascended Supremacy you and the other onces think you are untouchable just because you have Jace and Zach in there. Like the three amigos or stooges. Look you want to think you are great go on right ahead. You want to walk around with your head up just becuase you defeated Mysery go ahead but you are facing me not him. I am ready to take your pain away.

~~Scene ends~~


Twisted Thoughts © Mysery Productions
Layout © Disordered Fortune
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Raven Frost

  • AKA- Prophet
  • 210
  • 6'0"
  • "When worlds collide" Powerman 5000
  • 3/1/0
  • Angel Wings
  • Opponents

  • Marquis Laevaux
  • Titles held

  • Hardcore
  • Tag Team
  • Hosted by
