Making the bumper pads, crib skirt, and valances for the nursery was the first sewing project I did.   I wanted a Classic Pooh nursery, but we couldn't afford the prices of the store-bought Pooh stuff.  I found this plaid fabric that's got a lot of the "Classic Pooh" colors and then accessorized with all my Classic Pooh pictures and stuffed animals.   My mom helped a lot since I'd never even looked at a pattern or threaded a sewing machine on my own.  This stuff was originally in Patrick's room, but now it's being used by Connor.  The sheer curtains on the windows are store-bought but we made the valances and tie-backs. 
These two additions to the nursery are things I made when I was pregnant with Connor.  I found the Pooh fabric and wanted to make something to go in his room, so I made this diaper stacker.  It was my first attempt at using piping and I was very pleased with how it turned out.  The quilt is something I made when I was cleaning out fabric scraps.  The plaid is the same material as the bumpers, crib ruffle, and valances.  The back is flannel and it's yarn-tied. 
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