Read about them! Pictures Paradise! Take something with you! Lyrics available in chinese Here's where I am!
Latest Installments

New Nokia Ringtones!

Let your phone be customised with SHE's ringtone!

Album Review

Want to know how their album fare this time? It's good!


SHE Gallery

Finally the SHE picture gallery is out! Come and see!

Together Wallpapers!

Decorate your desktop with S.H.E. high quality wallpaper!

News in a Glance

Another of SHE Together Pictorial book will be on sale in Singapore soon. Anyway I have already book one. They are going to have it import over. Make sure you get yours when it's here!


SHE Together album is aready on sale here in Singapore. Make sure you go and get one. I emphasised that please buy the original copy thus giving them the credit which is due to them.


Call 1900 912 0933 to vote for their songs in Yes 93.3FM to increase their chances of appearing in next yr's awards. But from their popularity here in Singapore, I think they are definitely coming! - Source, she-ambience


All rights reserved to My SHE Genesis. Not all pictures are copyrighted.İMy SHE Genesis 2003. For any enqueries, please contact the webmaster.

Happy Birthday to Hebe!


Due to the workload in school, the launch of the website will be postponed. I am sorry. Rest assure that I'm still working on it. And today is Hebe's birthday! Hope she's able to see this....


Last Update

18th March 2003


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