( Last Updated: 5th-March-2007 )



The following is a compilation of fixes, features, options, balances and tweaks that has been collected from the Heroes of Might & Magic V community that they would like to see implemented into the next patch or expansion so they can continue to enjoy playing the game series. As it is a collection of many people’s ideas with no bias one way or the other, items make it onto the list that not everyone agrees on, a poll has been provided to hopefully give an adequate view as to how many members of the community wish to see that particular item implemented.

The polls can be found here. (Expired)


Grey items have been voted permanent but can still be changed if clarification is needed.

Blue items are item where votes tied, will be included on next set of polls.

Green items have not yet been voted on.


Game Crashes


  • Unit allocation crash. occurs when trying to divide a neutral creature stack that is trying to join your heroes group
  • Quick combat crash. Occasionally occurs when trying to siege a town with the quick combat option enabled.
  • Autosave & quicksave crashes. Caused by loading a save game that was saved after the completion of a mission.
  • Major battle & castle siege crashes. Some people are experiencing crashes during major battles and castle sieges, may be related to the quick combat crash


Game Bugs


  • Multiplayer
    • Multiplayer games occasionally loose sync between players without notice.
  • Spells
    • Empowered meteor, Empowered meteor shower doesn’t have an animation
    • Firetrap oversight, If you use a black bear rider to hurl a unit onto a firetrap the mine will not explode
    • Summon from town spell, The movement penalty is not currently applied in version 2.0
    • Instant Travel Bug, When making use of instant travel the AI will take too long to end his turn or the game will sometimes lockup
    • The description for imbue arrow need to indicate that it only works on favoured enemies
    • The description for retaliation need to indicate that it does not work against ranged units
  • Interface Bugs
    • The black bear rider has no description in the fortress recruitment menu
    • The hero’s path should not be displayed underneath items & terrain.
    • The ‘u’ hotkey for upgrading units in town no longer works
    • The ‘t’ hotkey for selecting towns no longer works
    • Creatures are unable to be dismissed in town if all creature stacks are full
    • The home key has problems displaying the default view in towns
    • The description for the fallen knights weakening strike ability should indicate that it only works with the retaliation strike ability
    • When you use a rune with the berserker the ATB doesn’t show the stats the unit currently has


Game Annoyances


  • The view distance for the camera needs to be limited, currently when the camera is tilted is causes massive slowdown
  • The AI takes a annoyingly long amount of time to complete his turn
  • The time limit for dynamic battle is not enough time for fortress units to select rune abilities and fight
  • The automatic quick save take too long, everyone just disables it
  • Non-DVD editions of the game should not have to swap CDs around while they are playing the game


Balance Tweaks & Oversight Fixes


  • AI
    • AI players should prioritise skill choices for characters, unique to each individual character
    • AI players should prioritise construction choices in the build menu
    • AI should avoid other players more effectively when they have no chance of victory
    • The AI should try to hinder players by capturing ALL buildings off them
    • AI should not make use of blesses & curses when able to finish the enemy with a direct attack or damaging spell
    • The AI retreat needs to be improved so the AI does not retreat too early or too late in battle
    • AI should take losses from using whirlpools just like players
    • AI should behave as if affected by fog of war
    • AI shouldn’t be able to surrender for free
    • AI resource, gold, luck and moral bonuses should be removed.
    • AI should only ever cheat on above normal difficulty levels
  • Units
    • Wraith, harm touch should resurrect one wraith

o       Shadow matriarch balances, Detail can be found here.

o       Add a slight increase to Djinns, Cerberus and Berserkers hit points

o       Add a slight increase in Assassin’s, Blood Fury’s & Sprite's growth rate

o       Either increase the total hit points of the brawler or decrease resource cost. Details can be found here.

o       Add elements to the fortress units for elemental chain ability.

o       Reduce resource cost for the mage to a more balanced level.

o       Increase the speed of the first aid tent

  • Abilities & Spells

o       Reduce luck to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25% chance... or only +50% damage... and leave-it to 10...50% chance..., Or KingAlamar’s suggestion.

o       Gremlins repair should require touch like paladins heal because it is a ability not a spell.

o       Improve ultimate abilities to make balanced out with the required skills to get each.

o       Scholar Ability, allow for spell trading to be both ways between heroes.

o       Havens Ultimate Ability, currently need balancing to be in line with other ultimate abilities, see here for details.

o       Summon Elemental Spell, the ability to choose which element and where to appear, also a boost to balance the spell with other spells of the same level.

o       Fix Arch devils / Pit Lords Gate Ability, Pit Lords gated in by the arch devil should not be able to gate in even more pit lords like they current can.

o       Vampires Drain, Make vampires unable to drain life from phantom forces.

o       Remove logarithmic function from units casting spells, change to something like Spell power = (Creatures/Growth) * 2

o       Allow ultimate irresistible magic be able to cast friendly spells on black dragons; Also curse spells on Neutral Dragons or in Dungeon vs. Dungeon battles.

  • Buildings

o       Players should be given manual control over town towers.

  • Heroes

o       Reduce power of fire balling ballista skill for Deleb.

  • Battles

o       Remove the random factor from when selecting which units go first at the start of a battle, it should only use random when two unit stacks have the same initiative


Additional Tweaks & Features


  • Graphics

o       Add female hero models for female characters

o       Town skies should match their surroundings

  • Campaign

o       Add all content added in the expansion should be added to the old official campaign + custom maps.

o       Allow access to the original campaign from the expansion so player does not have to switch between games.

  • In game

o       Waypoints, Add the ability to set heroes on a waypoint path in which they continue to travel along till told to stop, and also allow them to collect units from buildings along their path.

o       Artefacts Sell Option, Artefact merchants need the ability to sell artefacts to them for a reduced cost.

o       Retreat Option, A retreat chance should be given to the player when attacked, to give players a chance to 'save' their hero from a battle they would not be able to survive a single turn otherwise & also for when you accidentally attack a creature stack you didn't mean too.

o       Replay Last Turn, A button to view all that happened during the last game turn.

o       Sleep Option, The ability to tell a hero to wait at current position till woken rather than notify the player that he still has turns remaining.

o       Add Mixed Neutral Stacks, Make neutral stacks able to consist of a mixture of units from the same team rather than just the same team & tier.

o       Artefacts Combinations, as from previous HOMM games, see here for more details.

o       Renegade Conversion Option, A building that lets a haven hero 'become a renegade' and able to transform his troops into renegades.

o       More Locations to Upgrade Creatures. Bring back multiple adventure map locations for upgrading units, not just the hill fort.

o       Add Resource Artefacts, Add/Implement resource generating artefacts.

o       More Artefact Slots, More slots to carry equipped artefacts as per H3.

o       Add artefact sets

o       Add in unfinished/locked spells

  • Heroes

o       Add Heroes from Previous HOMM, Add heroes from previous HOMM games to be used in custom games & multiplayer games.

o       Add More Unit Specialist, Add more unit specialist and tweak the bonuses provided. More details.

o       Unique Campaign Heroes, Each campaign heroes should have their unique ability that other heroes do not have. More details.

o       Add hero with priest/inquisitors speciality

  • Options

o       The ability to set allied teamplay options in game.

o       More allied maps and the ability to be allies in a randomly generated map.

o       Show Scenario Map Checkbox, A checkbox to toggle scenario maps display on & off in the map selection menu.

o       Customisable Victory Conditions, Victory conditions should be customisable in custom game + multiplayer games.

o       HOF Maps Checkbox, A checkbox to toggle HOF maps display on & off in the map selection menu.

o       Custom Difficulty Mode, A custom difficulty mode where the players can define things like starting resources, how well the AI plays & how many bonus resources the AI gets, how many other bonuses the AI gets, etc. This could be done with a simple set of sliders, checkboxes, etc.

o       Texture Detail Control. Add a separate option to select texture detail in graphics settings.

o       Map Animations Toggle Option, Add a option to disable map animations (e.g. Tree Swaying...) on & off in graphics settings.

o       Add Shadows Toggle Option, Add a separate option to be able to toggle shadows on & off to the graphics options.

o       Change auto save options to,

§         Daily auto save

§         Weekly auto save

§         Monthly auto save

§         No auto save

  • Interface

o       Add a user configurable tool bar which you can place you favourite spells upon for easier selection in battles.

o       Add a button that buys all available creatures from the caravan list

o       Add a defend till attacked button

o       Add a wait button to the interface, so players don’t have to rely on shortcut keys

o       Add a visual indication for the bonuses the AI player will be receiving when choosing a difficulty level

o       The game should not pause when the player has alt tabbed out of the program, to allow the player to do other stuff while the AI is processing its turn.

o       Allow the game to be played in a window mode

o       Display the total attack power of a unit stack when viewing its stats.

o       Give a more accurate display of the damage thane will do.

o       Give visual indication of how long it will take the hero to reach its destination

o       Add a little gold crown icon to indicate that a town has had every building possible to build built.

o       Add a icon to indicate that there is not enough resources to build anything that turn.

o       Remove the false indication of the building built with the 'tear of asha' from the town construction menu as you do not actually construct it in the normal sense.

o       Add a split button for the interface, to split groups of units.

  • Multiplayer

o       Players should be able to watch his/her allies battles

o       Fully simultaneous turns option for ally players

  • Spell book

o       The spells in the spell book should be placed in order of spell level, mana required & damage dealt.

  • Map Editor

o       Add the ability to right-click the hero and the faction in the map creation screen, showing hero specialisation and faction info.

o       Add the ability to create maps with multiple levels of underground caverns.

o       Add a button that gives you a cursor to select items already placed on the map.

o       Tidy up & make the interface simpler to use.


Removed Items


·        AI should receive a experience bonus on all kills at higher levels

·        Haven Training Nerf, some want haven training decreased so that only archer, squire and priest can be upgraded.

·        The units guarding a neutral building should scale to match the attacking army.

·        Decrease the resource cost of all fortress buildings.

·        Reduce number of starting hunters for Ossir.

·        Random Sized Battle Maps, Random sized battle maps between 6 and 30 units either size.

·        Pure Non-Turn Based Mode, Like current synchronised turn mode except doesn’t switch to turn based mode when in line of sight.

·        Optional stack size limits.

·        The interface should be customisable, resizable and repositionable.

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