CelestialHaven EnergyMedicineCabinet Spirit Circle Spirit Guides Tomar

A collection of my short stories. Mostly fantasy and science fiction. Also children's stories.

Last updated May 22,2004

A facetious, tongue in cheek history of computers. Have a laugh

Does belief create reality? A trilogy of the little folk.

A world where the entire population is addicted to a drug that is essential to their survival.

Ever wonder where comets come from?

Find out why some people get so excited about the full moon.

A different look at the beginning of the universe.

Imagine an immortal, incorporal being looking for a friend.

Think it would be nice to have perfect memory? Think again.

A different slant on the "Second Coming".

A somewhat dark tale of voodoo.

Ever wonder what the world would be like if one small change had happened in history?

A group of children's stories.

Personal info for those with a morbid sense of couriosity.

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If you find these short stories enjoyable, then you would probably enjoy my full length novels. Click HERE

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short stories, fantasy, science fiction, voodoo, faeries, little folk, memory, computers, metaphysical, fiction, humor, children's stories, alternate history, addiction, collection

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