Charles H. Grooms



Iris sat on the dusty ground in front of her family's adobe home. The sun felt good as it warmed her almost twelve year old body. It had been cold for so long. She knew that the new warmth meant that very soon now the rains would be coming. In the near distance, she could see the leafless skeletons of the forest trees reaching for the sky. For now, she was just enjoying the warmth soaking into her.

This year would be a very special rainy season. This year, her brother, Derek, would see his sixteenth rain. That meant that he would receive an adult portion of the tea for the first time. And that would be a special time, not just for Derek and his family, but for all of the people.

Sixteen rains ago, shamans from as far away as a thousand miles had come to witness his birth. It had been thought that he was the one who had been foretold. That meant that they would come again this summer after the rainy season to witness when he received the shaman's portion of the tea. But even that would not be conclusive, but it would give them another portent.

She looked around the seemingly lifeless village. This was a slow time every year. Her people were running low on both food and water that had been stored from the previous year. So they tended to remain as quiet as possible to conserve what little they had. Hunger and thirst were common at this time and would continue until the rains came. If it were not for the tea, they could not survive.

The tea. That was the one thing that was not in short supply. Well, in a way it was. The water used to brew the tea was in short supply, but the mushrooms that they brewed it from were plentiful. Some years, there were bumper crops of the mushrooms and her people gathered them and dried them to be sure that they always had enough for those years when almost none of them could be found.

A cup of boiling water would be poured over one mushroom and allowed to steep until it cooled. This was a child's portion. When it had cooled, the child would drink the tea. An adult's portion was prepared in the same manner, except that two mushrooms were used. A shaman's portion was the same as an adult's portion except during special ceremonies when they used three mushrooms. A tea made from three mushrooms was dangerous and could kill if the shaman had not been properly prepared. No one ever used four mushrooms. At least, not yet. The mushrooms were never eaten, but were discarded after the tea had been consumed.

This time of year, just before the rain came, that one cup of tea was the only fluid that any of the people had. After the rain came, of course, they could drink their fill of water. But the tea allowed them to survive without any other water. It also allowed them to get by on reduced quantities of food. That was not necessary after the rain, but they had to have the tea year round, they were all addicted to the drug.

As Iris sat thinking about the tea, she noticed a sudden puff in the dust in front of her. She reached out and poked at the dust with her finger. Sure enough, she found it, a small spot of dampness. Then she saw another puff in the dust, then another and another. Then she felt a small spot of dampness on her hand. When she looked, it was wet. Excited, she jumped up and ran to the front door. She poked her head inside and shouted, "The rain!"

Within seconds, her parents and her brother were all outside. By now the rain was starting to come down heavier and they were all shouting about it. Soon, everyone in the village had come out of their homes and were all getting wet, reveling in the water. They knew that by this time tomorrow, the brownish grey dust would have tiny green bits of vegetation poking through it.

Soon afterward, the animals would come back. When things started drying up in the late fall, the animals all burrowed into the ground and went into a state of desiccated hibernation. The water would soon revive them and shortly after that, hunters would start bringing in meat. That always meant a feast. It was one of Iris' favorite times.

Father and Derek went inside and soon returned with a wooden awning that they attached to the front of the house. They weren't really ready to use it yet, but they knew that soon, it would be raining hard enough that they no longer wanted to be out in it. But they still wanted to watch. The awning would allow them to sit outside and watch the rain. Then Mother went inside and soon returned carrying several large bowls which she and Iris set out to catch the rain water. They didn't want to have to wait for the dry creek bed beside the village to fill and clear before they could drink their fill. Other families in the village were taking similar actions.

Soon, the bowls had collected enough water to drink and each of them picked up their own bowl and drank their fill before putting the bowls back in the rain to collect more water.

Within a couple of hours, there was muddy water running down the creek. That meant that the dry lake just downstream would be filling. Soon, they would be able to catch fish. The fish, like the animals, burrowed into the mud as the lake dried up. Then when water returned they came out. The time of plenty was rapidly approaching for the people.

That afternoon when Iris and her mother went to prepare the family's evening meal, like the other families in the village, they dipped a little deeper into their supplies than normal. The extra food and water would speed up their metabolic rates. That was another of the advantages that the tea brought. With reduced food and water, their metabolic rates slowed and they became sluggish, but they could survive.

As expected, by the next day, the land was turning green. Even the trees were starting to show green leaves. Under the prevailing conditions, plants tended to grow very fast when they could. Within three days, there were even wild food plants that had reached an edible stage.

For three months in the spring, there were almost daily rains. Then during the three months of summer, there would be an occasional rain. Fall and winter were dry and by the end of winter, the land was desiccated.

It was a busy time for the people. It had taken about two days after they were able to drink their fill of water for their systems to speed back up to the point that they were able to do useful work. Then they had to plant their seeds and gather the edible wild greens that were quickly becoming abundant. Their crop seeds grew much more slowly.

Ten days after the first rain, Father escorted Derek to the Shaman's home, as did the parents of all of the rest of the children in the village that would be turning sixteen this rainy season. Fathers took their sons, mothers took their daughters. After this day, the children would go on their own. Almost all of the village's children were born during the rainy season. Now it was time for the shaman to help them to prepare for the stronger doses of tea that they would soon be receiving.

As Derek and his father entered the shaman's hut, Father formally introduced him to the shaman even though they already knew each other. It was all part of the ritual. Actually, Derek knew everyone in the village, in such a small population, it was normal for everyone to know everyone else.

Old Joe, the shaman, looked over the group of new sixteen year old's after they had all gathered and the parents had left. There were seven of them this year, four boys and three girls. It was one of the largest groups that he had had for a while.

When the group saw that the shaman was looking at them, they quieted down and waited expectantly. "For nearly two thousand years," Old Joe began, "our people have depended on the tea made from the mushrooms. It has made our survival possible. As children, you only receive a child's portion of the tea. Very soon now, you will be receiving an adult's portion. I'm sure that you are all aware of the physical effects of the tea, how it allows us to survive on very small quantities of food and water by slowing us down. Have any of you noticed any mental effects of the tea?" He looked directly at Derek as he asked this last.

Derek waited a few seconds before replying, "Sometimes, about a half of an hour after I drink my tea, I see colored lights around people. It only lasts an hour or so."

"Very good." Old Joe seemed pleased. "Any one else notice anything?" When no other comments were offered, he said, "Never mind. The tea can certainly affect the body, but it can also have an effect on the mind. Derek has mentioned one of them. Up until now, you have been given a tea made from one mushroom. Your bodies and minds are accustomed to that strength. When you receive your adult's portion made from two mushrooms, that stronger dose will have an even greater influence on you. We are here today to help you to prepare for that stronger dose.

"The adult portion will actually allow you to become a little stronger but the greatest change that you will notice will be in your minds. The best way to cope with this is through meditation. We are going to learn how to do that today and for the next week."

They spent the next hour learning to meditate and spent one hour every morning practicing. Old Joe also told them to spend an hour meditating every evening after drinking their tea.

Iris was working in the family's garden when Derek returned from his first session with the shaman. She had been watching for him, but did not notice until she became aware that he was also in the garden helping to pull weeds. "Derek, what was it like? What did you do? Did he do anything to you? Was there magic used?"

Derek laughed at his sister. "It is nothing so mysterious, little sister. We have just been learning to meditate. You will learn when you reach sixteen, three years from now."

Iris was disappointed, she had been certain that there would at least be some smoke and sparks.

After Father had delivered Derek to the shaman's hut, he had gotten his bow and gone hunting. It was a bit early in the season, but he did return with a "rabbit." It was still pretty lean, but the wild animals would fatten up soon. Mother cooked the rabbit for dinner and the whole family enjoyed the first fresh meat that they had eaten in several months.

After the family had eaten, they relaxed until it was time for the tea ceremony. Then Mother said, "Iris, you will be turning thirteen this rainy season, it is time for you to learn to perform the tea ceremony."

Excited, Iris jumped up and went with her mother to the kitchen area of the hut. In the kitchen, Mother pointed to the special kettle that rested on a shelf to the right of the cook stove and Iris took it down. It was to be used for nothing else than the preparation of the special mushroom tea.

"Iris," Mother said, "there are four of us, so measure exactly five cups of water into the kettle, then put the kettle on the stove to boil."

After Iris had followed her mother's instructions, Mother indicated the polished wooden platter that rested on pegs next to the shelf where the kettle normally rested and Iris took the platter from the wall. Like the kettle and everything else used for the tea, it was used for nothing else.

"Iris, you know that our planet has three moons. Tonight, the largest of those three moons will be full. Every year, the first time that the largest moon is full during the rainy season, sixteen year old's visit the shaman for their lessons and thirteen year old's learn to perform the tea ceremony. That also includes learning how to care for the implements of the ceremony.

"Every month, when the largest moon is full, we wipe the platter with oil from the orris root. This helps to preserve it and gives it a fragrant aroma." She took down a box from the same shelf where the kettle had rested. From the box she removed a small ceramic jar and a small spoon. "Sprinkle a spoon full of the oil over the top of the platter, Iris, and then rub it in well with your fingers."

After Iris had followed her mother's instructions, her mother had her do the same with the bottom of the platter. Then they removed a "chamois" skin from the box and rubbed the platter down well with it.

"Now carefully fold the chamois skin and replace everything in the box. We only oil the platter once a month, but you wipe the platter down with the skin every evening before use."

After Iris had replaced the box, she got down the four cups that they used for the tea and placed them on the platter. Then she got six mushrooms from the stone crock where they were kept and placed them in a small bowl on the platter. By this time, the water in the kettle had reached a full boil so they placed the kettle on the platter as well.

They carried the platter into the living area and placed it on a table and Iris put two mushrooms in each of her parents' cups and one each in her cup and Derek's cup. Then she poured the boiling water over the mushrooms, filling the cups.

After the tea had cooled, Father led them in the ritual prayer of thanksgiving. They all intoned, "Great Spirit, we thank you for the gift of the tea that makes our lives possible on this world."

After they had consumed their tea, Derek started meditating and Iris went outside so as not to disturb him.

An hour later, Derek came out and Iris asked him, "Derek, why do you have to meditate after the tea? Mom and Dad don't do it."

"It is no big mystery, Pest. I am preparing to receive an adult dose of the tea. The meditation is helping me to prepare for it. Mom and Dad have been drinking adult doses of the tea for years, they are used to it. I'm not."

Thus, a pattern was established. For the next three evenings, Iris performed the tea ceremony to make certain that she knew it, then her mother resumed that duty. Normally, the eldest woman in a home performed the ceremony except when she was teaching one of her children. Every evening after they had drank their tea, Iris retreated outside until Derek came out to let her know that he was done. Sometimes, she just sat and looked at the stars and the moons. Other times she and two other younger siblings of this year's sixteen year old young adults would get together and talk.

It was a busy time. They spent a lot of time working in their gardens or gathering food from the wild. The men hunted and all of them went to the lake to fish. Some of the meat and fish was consumed fresh, but a lot of it was smoked or salted and stored away for lean times.

Then came the day of the second time that the largest moon was full. As the sun started to set, Derek left for the shaman's hut and Mother started to prepare the tea. After they had their tea, all three of them sat outside to wait for Derek to return. They could see the shaman's hut from where they were sitting.

They had been waiting about an hour when six new adults left the shaman's hut, but Derek was not one of them. Iris started to get worried about her brother and wanted to go see what was wrong, but her father would not let her. Another hour passed and finally, Derek emerged from the shaman's hut, accompanied by Old Joe, himself.

Old Joe accompanied Derek home, Derek seemed a little confused. "He is all right," Old Joe said. "It is just that the tea has opened him up more than most, he is still having a little trouble distinguishing between the solid things that he sees and the things of the spirit world that he sees."

"I never had that problem," said Iris' father.

"But you are not the one who has been foretold. He sees much more than you ever have. I am not sure that he does not see as much as I do with my shaman's dose of tea."

They sat and talked for a while and finally Old Joe went back to his hut.

By the next morning, Derek seemed to be back to normal and was able to help the rest of the family with their work.

Dad was off hunting, Mom was in the kitchen curing foods for storage. The two teenagers were in the garden working when Iris asked, "Derek, what happened last night at Old Joe's?"

"Why, I got my first adult dose of tea. What else?" Derek laughed.

"Well, you didn't come out with the rest and when it got to be so long, I got worried. Then Old Joe had to walk you home and you seemed so strange."

Derek became very serious. "Pest, you know those colored lights that you and I sometimes see around people after we drink the tea?" When Iris acknowledged that she knew what he was talking about, Derek continued, "Well, after we had our tea, the rest of the kids saw that. They had never seen it before last night. But about a half of an hour after we drank our tea, we were meditating, just like I have been doing for the last month now. Suddenly, even though my eyes were closed, I became aware that I could 'see' the energy around everyone in Old Joe's hut. And it was not just the colored lights like we have been seeing all along. I see those right now. But last night, I became aware that everyone had colored light all around them extending out about a foot and a half. Old Joe's light went out almost three feet.

"When Old Joe called an end to the meditation, the rest of the kids were excited about the lights that they could see. But when I looked around, I saw light around everything. Even the floor was covered with it and it seemed to be heaving around, up and down. It frightened me a little, but Old Joe seemed to be pleased. When he walked me home, even the ground seemed to be heaving about. That was why I was confused."

"And Old Joe was happy about that?" Iris was incredulous.

"Yeah. He told me that it was another portent that matched what had been foretold. Said not to worry about it, that I would get used to it."

"It sounds like he expects it to happen to you again."

"He does. He said that he would be surprised if I don't see that every time that I drink the tea from now on."

"Were you scared?"

"Not really. I was more confused than anything else. Old Joe had warned me that I would be likely to see strange things. So I was kinda prepared for it. I just didn't know how strange some of it would be."

Within a month's time, the other six new adults in the village had stopped meditating, they no longer needed it. But Old Joe impressed upon Derek the need for him to continue his meditations every day. And as Old Joe had predicted, Derek did become accustomed to the effects of the tea even though those effects did not lessen. And one day every week, Derek met with Old Joe for special instructions that could lead to his becoming a shaman if he so chose.

Like the other families in the village, they continued to gather food and store it away for the winter as well as performing other necessary chores.

At the beginning of summer, the mushrooms started growing and they gathered them and dried them for storage.

Then, in mid summer, shamans from other areas started arriving. They wanted to be present when the largest moon was full in mid summer. On that evening, Derek would receive a shaman's dose of tea. His reaction to it would be another portent.

The evening of the full moon, everyone in the village except Derek and the collected shamans drank their tea early, everyone wanted to witness the coming event.

Shamans normally used an adult dose of tea, the shaman's dose was for special purposes. And like everyone else, they normally had their tea indoors. But this evening, a ring of small fires was built in the open common area in the center of the village and the shamans sat on mats by the fires. Derek sat beside a small fire in the center of the ring. The villagers were all clustered around the congregated shamans, watching.

The eldest of the shamans, a grizzled, white haired old man arose and, leaning on his staff, spoke. "Nearly two thousand years ago, our people came to this world from another world. They had a giant ship of steel which could travel between the stars and were migrating to another world.

"During the trip, something went wrong and their ship was damaged and thrown off of its course. They felt that they were lucky to find this world. They had arrived late in the spring and landed in the northern hemisphere because they could clearly see that it was green and had abundant water while the southern hemisphere seemed to be a desert.

"They also felt that they were lucky that this planet's year and its day were almost identical to their home world's. The planet's star was very similar to their home world's sun and the axial tilt was very close to the same, so the seasons would be very familiar to them.

"They had brought seeds for food plants that grew well in the fertile soil and found native plants that were edible. They also found animals that could be used for food and the shallow seas and lakes had good fish that they could eat. They thought themselves to be very lucky."

The old shaman paused for a moment before continuing. "They had found the mushrooms and tested them, but found them to be poisonous with two mushrooms containing enough poison to kill an adult, so they were not interested in them.

"Then fall came and things started to dry up. They had a small air ship on their giant ship that they could use to explore and they found that the southern hemisphere was now becoming much like the northern hemisphere had been when they had first arrived while the area where they had settled was rapidly becoming a desert like the southern hemisphere had been when they had arrived.

"Eventually, they learned that the water migrated between the northern and southern hemispheres with the seasons while there was a narrow band around the equator that remained fertile all year. The problem with that was that the fertile band was filled with poisonous plants and dangerous animals.

"Many people died that first winter, only the resources of their giant ship allowed any of them to survive. They had plenty of food, it was the water that was a problem.

"Some of the people, realizing that their supply of water was running low, decided to eat the mushrooms so that there would be more water for others. They died, but not before complaining that the dry mushrooms were very difficult to chew and were very bitter.

"Then two of the older women decided that since the mushrooms were hard to chew and were bitter decided to make a tea of them. Thus, they discovered the tea."

The old shaman paused again for a moment. "A thousand years ago, there was a conclave of shamans and it was foretold that one was coming who would make a great change in the world and the lives of the people.

"Every three hundred years, all three moons will be full at the same time during the rainy season. Sixteen years ago, this happened for the third time since that conclave. But there was something different this time. Three years later, the largest and the smallest moons were also full at the same time. These were portents that had been foretold.

"It was foretold that a male child would be born on the same day when the three moons were full. This child would be the first born of a family. There were many children born on that day, but only fifteen who were male and the first born of their families.

"Derek was one of those children and it was thought that he might be the one who was foretold. But more portents were needed. So it was also foretold that three years later, on the day when the largest and the smallest moons were full, he would have a sister who would be the second born of that family.

"Three years later, the families of all fifteen of those boy children were watched. Two of them had brothers born on that day, but only Derek had a sister born on that day.

"It was foretold that both of these children would react more strongly to the tea than most. Derek has already shown that he does have a stronger reaction to the tea. Now we will find out if the next portent comes about." He sat and all of the assembled shamans placed their travel tea kettles on the fire to heat. Although Derek had a kettle beside his fire, he did not place it on the fire yet.

After about ten or fifteen minutes, at a signal from Old Joe, Derek placed his kettle on the fire. The shamans wanted to drink their tea first, so that they could already be under the influence of the tea when it took hold of Derek.

The assembled villagers watched, expectantly, but not really knowing what to expect. A baby whimpered and was quieted by its mother. Of all those watching who were not shamans, only Iris saw anything unusual. About a half hour after Derek had drank his tea made with three mushrooms, he seemed to glow. Startled, she looked up and saw that Old Joe and the eldest shaman were looking at her, not at Derek.

Eventually, Derek stood and said, "I see energy like fields of force extending outward further than the eye can see. It is everywhere and in all of the colors that I have ever seen and even in some that I have never seen before and have no names for. Only, there seems to be an empty node, a nexus where there should be something that is missing. I feel an emptiness there that should be full and because of that emptiness, a lack of control." He sat back down.

The old shaman rose once more and spoke. "Another of the portents that were foretold has been fulfilled. Now we must wait another three years before the next and final portents are due. It will be a long three years. If the final portents do not come about, it will be 1500 years before the conditions come about again. Let us pray that the next portents come true."

The assorted shamans left the next day, headed for home. All seemed pleased by what they had seen. That afternoon, after the shamans had all departed, Old Joe "happened" to run into Iris as she was gathering some wild greens for dinner.

"Iris," said Old Joe, "I see that your family will be eating springald greens for diner tonight."

"Yes, Old Joe. Mom thought that they would be nice."

"Iris, last night. You saw something unusual. I could tell. What did you see, Iris?"

"It was Derek. He was glowing. What did it mean, Old Joe?"

"Only that another of the things that were foretold has come about. Only you and the shamans saw that."

"Old Joe, what did the old shaman mean when he said that we must wait three years for the next portents?"

Old Joe laughed. "He meant that now we must wait for you, Iris. We have to see how you react to the adult dose of tea in three years."

"But what do I have to do with Derek being the one who was foretold?"

"Think, Iris. Was not a sister also foretold? And was it not foretold that both of these children would react more strongly to the tea than most? And did not Derek report an empty node where something should be? That empty node was you, Iris."

Iris could get no more from Old Joe.

Time passed. The other six who had received their adult doses of tea when Derek had gotten his all got married, but at the urging of Old Joe, the elders of the village discouraged Derek from marrying, and also discouraged several teenaged boys from showing too much interest in Iris.

Finally, the day came when the spring rains started signaling the rainy season when Iris would turn sixteen and would become an adult.

In due course, Mom escorted Iris to Old Joe's hut and formally introduced them, just as Dad had done with Derek. Iris' experiences with the shaman's group of teenagers was almost identical to Derek's. The main difference was that there were only four in Iris' group while there had been seven in Derek's. And there was only one boy in the group.

When the family had their tea that evening, Iris started her meditation just as Derek had three years earlier. But Derek did not retreat outside as Iris used to do, he still meditated daily after his tea because Old Joe encouraged him to do so.

In due course, the second full moon came for the largest moon and Iris went to Old Joe's hut for her first adult dose of the tea.

Just as they had done when Derek first received his adult dose of the tea, Iris' family waited outside for her return. And just as had happened with Derek, Iris did not leave Old Joe's hut when the rest of the new adults left. Old Joe had to escort her home an hour later because she had reacted to the tea just as Derek had done. Another of the portents had come to be. The other shamans were notified and they made plans to be in the village in mid summer.

As had happened with Derek, Iris had been meeting with Old Joe once a week for the same type of instructions that had been given to Derek. This was the first time that this had been done with a girl, normally, only men became shamans.

At last, the evening came. As had been done three years earlier, a ring of fires had been built in the village common with a single fire in the center of the ring. Only this time, Iris sat beside that single fire and Derek sat with his family with the other assembled villagers. And for the first time since that evening three years ago, Derek did not take a shaman's dose of tea during the full moon.

Eventually, Iris stood and said, "I see energy like fields of force extending outward further than the eye can see. It is everywhere and in all of the colors that I have ever seen and even in some that I have never seen before and have no names for. Only, there seems to be a node where only a spark burns, but that spark should be a nexus of power. I feel a lack there that should be full and because of that emptiness, a lack of control." Her speech was almost identical to what Derek's had been three years earlier.

After Iris sat, the same old shaman that had spoken three years ago stood and spoke. "The last of the foretold omens has come to pass. In one month, when the moon is again full, both Iris and Derek will receive a shaman's dose of the tea. What will happen then, no one knows for it was not foretold. It was only foretold that great changes would come about in the world and in the lives of the people.

Unlike that time three years previously, the assembled shamans did not leave the next day, none of them had any intentions of missing anything that happened between now and when both of the foretold ones took the shaman's dose of tea.

Iris and Derek still worked, helping their family with their daily chores, but they also spent two hours every day with the shamans, being instructed in the uses of the energies that they were now aware of. During the next month, a few more shamans showed up.

Their village had a normal population of about 500. In addition to that, there were now over a hundred visiting shamans. And on the day of the next full moon, the entire populations of three neighboring villages showed up to witness the event. There were too many people for the village common and the event was moved outside of the village.

Derek and Iris sat beside the fire in the center of the ring of fires, waiting for their water to boil. When it did come to a boil, they placed three mushrooms in each of their cups and poured the boiling water over it, then waited. Everyone else present had already had their tea. When the tea was ready, Derek and Iris intoned, "Great Spirit, we thank you for the tea which has made our lives possible, and we thank you in advance for the changes which have been foretold that your gift will make." Then they drank their tea and waited.

Almost simultaneously, they became aware of the fields of energy. But where Derek had reported an empty node, he now was aware of a pulsing, throbbing pole of power. And where Iris had seen only a spark, she saw a similar pole. Each was seeing the other. They became aware of how each felt and of each other's thoughts. Their awareness expanded to take in each of those watching them. Then as one, they sent a thought to Old Joe, requesting more boiling water and two more mushrooms. They were soon drinking that extra dose of tea. That was the equivalent of four mushrooms each.

Everyone watched, not knowing what to expect, would something miraculous happen, or would the extra drug kill them? No one knew, not even the assembled shamans.

The two foretold ones waited until their consciousness expanded once more. Then as one, for they were now operating as a single entity, they reached out with their mind and started pieces of water ice that they found in space moving out of their orbits, headed for their own planet. Larger pieces of ice were broken up, they did not care to have pieces that were too large impacting on their planet.

One particularly large chunk they were unable to break up, it was simply too large. In its own it made a decent astroid, being roughly cylindrical and measuring a mile in diameter and five miles long. They wanted it but did not dare to allow it to fall free on its own. They started it moving toward the planet. It would take time for it to reach their world.

When the major effects of the drug wore off, the two siblings stood just as the first of the chunks of ice arrived. These were small pieces that had been close to their world and many of them had bits of rock or metal embedded in the ice. The people were treated to a spectacular meteor shower.

The assembled shamans had been able to see what Derek and Iris had been doing, even though they had not been able to assist.

The village headman asked Old Joe, "The meteors, is it an omen?"

Old Joe laughed, "It is much more than an omen, the Foretold Ones are bringing water to the world, enough water so that we will have seas and lakes that will never dry up, enough water so that we can have all of the water that we need, all year long."

They knew that it would take time, but that fall, for the first time since the people had come to this world, it rained during the middle of autumn.

Every month, when the largest moon was full, Derek and Iris again used the four mushroom tea to quest through their solar system for more interplanetary ice and start it moving toward their world. Some of them were very far out and it took years for all of them to make the journey. The meteors continued to fall nightly for all of that time.

It was in mid winter when the large ice asteroid came close enough that they had to once more take a tea made with four mushrooms when the moon was not full, but it made no difference. When the tea took effect they reached out and caught the large piece of ice and eased it down to rest in the dry sea bed, where it melted.

That was the last dry winter for the people. And, for the first time, they even had snow.


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