"Dude your sister is a psycho."
Home Page-  "Toros Base"
Ways you know I'm obsessed. (Because I actually do these things):

*  I'm continuosly humming the theme.
*  I'm often heard singing, "I am a transporter of the wasteland."
*  I actually tried salt in my coffee.
*  I tried making Triple Cheese Toast but we ran out of cheese and I had double instead.
*  I tell people I like clouds a little bit.
*  I snicker when some one eats instant noodles and yell, "Dr. Leyon!"
*  I laugh my butt off whenever anyone says potential.
*  My daily vocabulary actually includes: Irvinafied, papaya (as a greeting), Thomasless (due to the heartless people at Cartoon Network), CAS, Ready...FIGHT!, See you on the battlefield,
   any zoid name and attack, organoid, Bitness, Bitluv, and many more.
*  I answer the phone, "Papaya" and hang up, "See you on the battlefield."
*  I call people on bikes the enemy and command we shoot them down.
*  I have a mental band. Bit on drums, Leon on bass, Van on lead guitar and vocals, Fiona as backup....and well the whole cast.
*  I tell people my dream car is a van. What kind of van? A Flyheight.
*  When in chatrooms and having a costume party I immediately call shotgun on the Rinon.
*  My HBZid is papaya_cloud.
*  I sit around making dumb lists late at night about ways to prove I'm obsessed.
*  I suddenly break down and sob yelling, "My poor Pteras!"
*  Instant response to who do you like - Bit Cloud.
*  I watch G Gundam just to hear Steve Gotha, voice of Irvine, even though I hate that show with every fiber of my being.
*  I love Baby Bottle Pops even more now that Richard Cox (voice of Bit) does the voice for a commercial. "Bring out the baby in you."
*  I like Quicksilver from Xmen just because his voice is Richard Cox.
*  I really liked Ed Edd n Eddy before I found this out, but now I giggle whenever Double D talks because Sam Vincent, voice of Brad, is his voice. And Dexter from Hamtaro.
*  I like Inuyasha because Richard Ian Cox, (Voice of Bit as you know), is Inu-Yasha's voice. And it's just a cool show.
*  I actually know all this voice over nonsense.
*  I actually care.
*  I wrote a song about Megalo Max.
*  Not Dead Yet.
*  Big...(SOB)...DiBison shaped...(SOB)... crater!
*  PAR tay! The crater isn't as bad as it seems.
*  Another PAR tay 10 3.
*  I like going to SOS and reading Val's LJ (PUBLIC LJ MIND YOU!!!!). I understand her.
*  I joined the Pro Champ movement.
Naomi called him a bad word....  Oooooo. She's gonna get it.
Are you as obsessed as I am? Or even more? Send me your reasons!
Look Alikes
Sadly right now I only have one. :( But some one send me some. Purdy Please?
wee it says yummy. oh hey i should put this on the Bit page. But I'm too lazy...
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