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Then send me email! Really, I have nothing else to do. I would be glad to get email from anyone. Well... that depends really. But, just don't send ne anything rude, don't burn me. I only want to read something constructive like, "Dude, your site needs more..." or, "Like, I SO have a fanfic." and yeah. So if it seems suspicious, I won't even open it. And yeah. So... uh... yeah.
Papaya or "Joey" (short for Josephine)

[email protected]
Nobody sends me email... Well I get rude ones and advertisements.
Ha ha, it's a floating CLOUD.
Because I'm wierd and I can.
Futari no kankei wa kitto. Issun wo tanoshimu tameno. Ai to yabuni wa amekute wakai. Zakuro iro shita honnou kajitsu. Aketa karade no Piasuni. Kizo no hotori kanjiteru... etc....

No Future; Nanase Aikawa; Zoids Shinseiki Zero
(in other words, that's the theme song for Zoids New Century Zero)
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