Piper Halloway

Charmed One Witch, Experienced



Motivation: Protect her charge

Type: Human, witch


Str 2 , Dex 3 , Con 4 , Int 3 , Per 3 , Will 7


Ability Scores:

Muscle 10 , Combat 12  , Brains 10


Life Points: 48/_____

·   -1/12, -2/21, -3/30, -4/39, Out/48, RIP-1/+10


Drama Points: 20

Experience: 0


Special Abilities/Qualities: Artistic, Attractiveness; 2, Sorcery; 7, Hard to Kill; 5, Time Stop 7, Explode 9, Occult Library 5, Adversary; Demons & Warlocks, Honorable; Serious, Minority; Witch, Dependent (Child-Wyatt)


Skills: Acrobatics 3, Doctor 2, Kung Fu 2, Getting Medieval 2, Knowledge 4, Notice 4, Occultism 6 (Potions +2)

Talents: Business/Finance, Cooking, Mystic Origin



Name                      Score  Dmg    Notes

Dodge                      12        -           Defense action

Punch                      11        6          Bash

Kick                         10        8          Bash

Spells                       24        varies   See spell description

Time Stop                20        -           Area=50’, 1 Trn/Success Level

Explode                   22        35+      35/Success Level



Piper Halliwell is the middle child of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Growing up, Piper took on the role of peacemaker in the family. This is evident in the many mediations between Prue and Pheobe that she undertook in attempts to bring her vastly different sisters together. Her nurturing ability and warmth are what make her a favorite of many.


The many talents of Piper include her culinary expertise, managerial skills, and her ability to run and operate her club, P3. Throughout the years, Piper has struggled with becoming a witch and not having a normal life. Now the successful owner of a nightclub called P3, Piper has taken on the reluctant role of the oldest child. The devastating loss of Prue still leaves Piper coping day to day. She has taken on more of Prue's protectiveness and is now leading the Charmed Ones to fulfill their destiny.


Piper has been the sister who has had the most trouble with love. At the start of the show in her boyfriend, Jeremy, turns out to be an evil warlock. Her next Mr. Wrong was in the form of Mark; Mark was the perfect man except for the fact he was a ghost. Josh came in next but this was only a brief thing as he moved away. Josh was willing to stay and not leave but Piper convinced him to go.This may be because Leo, their whitelighter, was in the picture...


Leo is Piper's one true love. Again, this relationship was not easy. An alluring next-door neighbor, Dan, came along with promises of a normal life - something that Piper craved. Piper realized her true feelings for Leo, however, when she came down with a life-threatening virus. Piper actually died and Leo broke all Whitelighter rules to save her. Leo's wings were clipped because of this, and he became temporarily human.


Leo's wings were eventually returned to him, and together Piper and Leo tried to make it work. Leo proposed quickly to Piper and they planned the wedding. A then-evil Cole let it be known there was a wedding to be had and the Elders were notified. Leo was wisked away and Piper was heartbroken. Piper gave an ultimatium to the Elders and Leo was brought back. They were on a trial basis for a period of time, and eventually they were allowed to marry. Piper finally found her true love.


Piper’s Powers:

 Temporal Stasis: Piper's first power, which gave her the ability to stop time from moving forwards with her hands. This power is affectionally labelled "freezing". As the first season progressed, she was able to get a good handle on this power, such as freezing demons and unfreezing particular body parts.


Particle Manipulation: During season three, Piper's powers grew. She now has the ability to speed molecules up to such a point that they explode. This comes in handy for a quick demonic vanquish and is the girl's most affective power.


Quote: “???”


Role-playing Notes: See show for details.


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