Pru Halliwell

Charmed One Witch




Motivation: Protect her charge

Type: Human, witch


Str 2/4* , Dex 3/5* , Con 3/5*, Int 3 , Per 2 , Will 5

Ability Scores:

Muscle 10/14* , Combat 11/16*  , Brains 12

Life Points: 49

·   -0/9, -1/18, -2/27, -3/36, Out/49, RIP-1/+10

Drama Points: 20

Experience: 0

Special Abilities/Qualities: Artistic, Attractiveness; 2, Sorcery; 6, Hard to Kill; 5, Telekinesis 9, Psychic Doppleganger* 5, Occult Library 5, Adversary; Demons & Warlocks, Honorable; Serious, Minority; Witch

Skills: Acrobatics 2/5*, Doctor 1, Kung Fu 3/5*, Getting Medieval 2, Knowledge 3, Notice 4, Occultism 5


Name                      Score  Dmg    Notes

Dodge                      12/16* -           Defense action

Punch                      12/16* 6/12*   Bash

Kick                         11/15* 8/14*   Bash

Spells                       23        varies   See spell description

Telekinesis               17        -           Area=50’, 1 Trn/Success Level

Psychic Warrior       17        varies   1hr/SL range mi/SL



Prudence Halliwell (lovingly known as "Prue"), the oldest Charmed One, is the daughter of Victor Bennet and Patty Halliwell. As the eldest sister, Prue was the strongest and most protective, having spent much of her childhood keeping an eye on her sisters after their mother's death.


When the show first started Prue was working at Bucklands Auction House; Prue authenticated auction pieces for Bucklands. Prue liked working there, but her dream was to become a photographer and in the season two, she saw what her life would be like if she stayed at Bucklands - it wasn't pretty. Soon after, Prue changed jobs and became a professional photographer.


Prue saw herself as her sisters' protector and would do everything in her power to keep them safe, even risk her own safety first. This was the same for the innocents she fought so hard to protect. The end of Prue's life is the reason many fans have come to love and care so much for her. She would rather risk her life to keep her sisters and innocents safe. Prue was a true heroine from the beginning to the very end. She will remain in the hearts of all forever.


Prue's first love was Andy Trudeau. Andy worked as an Inspector for the S.F.P.D, and was a childhood sweatheart of Prue's. For a while, Andy was unaware of the Halliwell's magical powers, and it was only when he discovered their secret that he was killed. This was a terrible loss for Prue.


Bane, an ex-convict, was another source of interest for Prue. Prue met him when she posed as a sexy hitwoman called Ms. Hellfire in the episode of the same name. Bane later re-appeared in the show, but was not a lasting presence again.


 Jack from the Buckland Auction House was another love of Prue. Friendly rivalry in the workplace soon lead to more of a romance which, once again, didn't last.


Prue’s Powers:

Telekinesis: The first of Prue's powers, which is the ability to move objects with the mind. Prue could channel this power through her eyes to begin with, and then her hands as she became more skilled at using the gift.


Astral Projection: The second power Prue received was Astral Projection. Through her mind she could project her image to another place. This was a power that became very useful even though the other "Prue" could not use her powers and the original Prue was literally having an outer body experience.




Role-playing Notes: See show for details.


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