We've added WarCraft III to games covered within the clan.  We have several members including myself who are actively exploring Blizzard's newest hot-selling game (**incicates WarCraft III within website)

In response to member suggestions, I'm now extending bot. priviledges to members based on length of membership instead of higher rank.  Please use these commands wisely since they are monitored and can be taken away just as easily as they were given out.

Recently, members with ops. control have been banning other members,
just remember if you ban someone and they complain to me, you'll have to answer for that and you could lose ops. priviledges.

Due to members of clan GR recruiting from clan Mysteria, clan GR is banned from our channel.  If someone decides they wanna-be their own clan, they should start by recruiting their own members and not take members from the clan they're in (split-aparts on weaken a clan).

I haven't been on Bnet very much lately because I've been quite busy.  Lately, when I've had available "game-time," I've been playin' Star Trek Armada.  I'm planning on gettin' Armada II-they're both really kewl games-check them out sometime.  Anyway, I'm still an active SC/BW player, so you will see me online in the near future.  UP])A']['E:  I've won Star Trek, now I'm playin' BW more.
Current announcements, news, and updates for:

I've made some changes with the Ranks, they are in increments of 100 and there are now nine Castes.   Next to Each Member will the abbreviations for whatever Blizzard game they have. W3=WarCraft III, SC=StarCraft, and BW=BroodWar.  These are the big three that our clan covers.  War (Craft) and Star (Craft) both cover the craft / art of war and as we all know, Brood-War is and Extension of StarCraft.

Got some great news in relation to webpages-I've recently added a new forum so our members can post messages-please check it out and register at:
http://boards.gamers.com/messages/overview.asp?name=mysteria. Other website news:  Please remember, I need more Alias names for the alias page to be successful.  Also, we have a caste webpage which describes the priviledges and expectations of each caste.  I've changed Visionary caste to Assassination caste and I've also added Elite Assissination caste-you'll wanna check this page out!!   I constantly update our Rankings page whenever new members get recruited or existing members get promoted.  Reminder:   only Ranger caste and above may recruit new members into the clan. However, any member can recommend a friend for consideration.  Speaking for myself, if you want a friend to join, I'm totally into that idea.  Also, checkout they Tournament page to see who's won/signed up for any clan Tournies (this is a really good way to get promoted within the clan).

I've been keeping both bots updated and in-channel as much as possible.  I want everyone to understnad that clan Mysteria is dedicated to friendship and gaming-try to remember that 
Codes of Conduct will be enforced as much as possible, but I don't want everyone to get tangled up in all kinds of specific "Have-To's and Don't Have-To's."  That's All I have for now, they'll be more to follow later.  If anyone has any ideas they wanna share, tell the Command Caste or myself.
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Rankings and Website Updates:
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