{ My Escaflowne Collection }
Here comes my collection of
"The Vison of Escalowne"
My second sketch opssession (the first one was Sailor Moon, but I gotta scan them first)
Don't think for a second that I got Talent, beacuse I don't.
A real Artist would come up with their own Ideas, he could do it within 5min with nothing more then a Pen and Paper.
Me on the other hand, I am just a good copier.
I could never draw something of my own !
} My Favourite one {
You can preety much see that I totally adore
Hitomi and Van.
I think that they look so cute together, and please, don't tell me the ending.
I haven't seen all the episodes, they stoped showing it on Fox Kids and I only got to the 7th episoded.
I have my suspicions, and my friends already tryed to tell me,
but I wanna keep on believing that Hitomi and Van are going to make it after all, I just have to !
! ! ! Sooo SEXY ! ! !
This is like the first Anime Character that I had a crush on.
I am not kidding you,
I am dead serious !
you guys done laughting,
can I move along now ?
(Gee, even my roommates are making fun of me, I feel so alone) :_-(
he is HOT, I mean,
the guy has wings.
So there, I said it
Whatcha gonna do about it,
say what say what say what ! ! !
Oh man,
and the movie, don't get me started on that one.
It just RULED.
It's like my favourite movie of all times.
You AnimeFreaks have not lived if you didn't see it. So go get it, like now
and now ... now
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