Born on an early Sunday morning, in Pennsylvania, I was the perfect Mother's Day gift.  My father, a minister, changed locations alot, so my childhood showed me much of the country. Introduced to music at an early age, from the time I could talk, and perhaps even before, I was singing.  My parents encouraged piano lessons at the age of 9, and so I began my journey into classical music. Studying piano, and performing in choir, music has been one of my passions since my childhood. I found escape in rhythm and melody. From 3rd grade on, I became a lover of poetry.  I loved to write. I found my only ways of expression in music and writing. Then only way to bare my soul was thru verse or tune. In high school I had teachers who encouraged my talent, and soon I became a published poet. Other forms of my writing were published as well.  Soon I was in college, experiencing many new things. During my first year of Pre-Med I worked in the Emergency Room as an Extern  under a Doctor. During that time, I found my writing a way to express the horror seen.  Later in college years I became pianist for a music group, and traveled for almost 4 years, playing the piano, and singing. I learned alot and experienced alot! During that time, of performing almost nightly, I became the best musician I had ever been. During that time, I visited Ghana, Africa. It was an experience that changed me in many ways. After college I have been lucky enough to have a variety of jobs. Some, I tolerated, and others, I loved.  The past years have found me working in a Day Care, a Nursing Home, in Home Health Care, and as a Teacher. Working in the medical field had its' tough times, and it's rewards, although sometimes it seemed like more tough times than anything.  There were times when it got to me, working where I was constantly helping families say final goodbyes to their loved ones.  Working as a teacher has perhaps been the job I loved most. I taught music, composition, and public speaking.  I learned as much as the students did I think. Some of my best writing was done during that time. That's just a tiny bit about me, and my life. Reading my writings will perhaps give you more tiny glimpses into my life. I hope you enjoy, and please leave any comments in my guest book.

                                                              ~ mysteriousmusicmuse
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