Real name: Vivian Chan (Laugh all you want! I know Vivian can be used as a guy's name as well!)
Age: 10 (I know I'm young, got a problem?)
Grade: 6th (Where do you expect a 10-year-old to be? In college?)
Hair: Black (Like Japanese peoples! Yay!)
Eyes: Dark Brown (I have to add the dark! Because it is darker than brown! I feel special!)
Nationality: Chinese (I have lived in the same continent as the Japanese peoples!)
Hobbies: Watch TV, play video games, annoy peoples (I like to annoy peoples, especially my sister! *evil laugh*)
Other info.: I like to smack guys, if they start annoying me. I'm evil like that. (IT'S NOT FLIRTING!!!)

Michiko, what are you doing here?
Doing your hobby of annoying peoples.
That's my hobby, not yours!
Fine! It's a stupid hobby anyways! *stomps off*
*sigh* Big sisters...
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