*Hands-on Time*
In spare time, I have a passion for cross-stitching.  I particularly enjoy Teresa Wentzler's designs.  Her work incorporates many medieval flavours.  Her patterns are complicated and challenging.  Many pieces take me a year or more to complete.  Many of her designs have a mystic & medieval quality...something which really intrigues me.
Below are some of her projects (and others) which I have completed...
The Castle~the first Teresa Wentzler
pattern I ever tried.  It was *love at first
stitch*.  I began searching for her
Angel Procession~took nearly one
and one-half years to complete.
The Carousel~done for a friend
who loves them...took over a year
to complete.  It now hangs in
her Bed & Breakfast.
Day & Night~two beautiful goddesses.  Night is completed and I am currently working on the border of Day.  These two goddesses will hang in my living room when they are framed.
Spring & Summer~Two of the horses in a series of four, each representing a season of the year.  I hope to complete the set for my daughter before she finishes growing up.  They are a beautiful set, but each takes well over a year to complete.
Here are the other two I have yet to do for her ~ Fall & Winter.
"The Sentinal" is not a Teresa Wentzler piece.  It hangs in the living room.
"Millennium" ~ is about 1/3 done.  Due to time spent working on my Master's Thesis, it has yet to be completed.
"Companions" & "Lily Maiden" were stitched for a special friend.
"Fantasy Triptech" is nearly completed.  It is a gift for my special friend, the one who composed the music for this site and who also loves the medieval era.
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