My Pages
  Hey! My name is Roxanna. I am a mother of two and live here in North Carolina. I have lived here all of my life. Here's a few of the links that I enjoy looking at. So please just sit back and enjoy yourself as you take a look around.
    Some of my interests include: playing the piano, making music with other people, singing, surfing the web, writing poems, playing with my children, riding my motorcycle, eating out, hanging out with my friends, and finding out what and where my ancestors came from.
   This is my first semester at CVCC and I am loving every minute of it. I am majoring in Computer Programming. It feels so good to finally be doing something with my life. I never dreamed about going back to school until about six months ago, while talking to a friend of mine.

They will ask for you to put in your email address. After you do, it will take you to my genealogy pages.
Goodson Family Tree
We are currently looking for musicians who live in the Catawba County, NC area, that are dedicated first to God, then to their music. If by chance that's you please contact me at [email protected]
My Testimony
The Mad Cow Disease
My Ride
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