mystery cycle
the artwork and stories of devin parker
April 21, 2006

Drawrin' Comics With The Old Folks At Home

I'll be spending this summer doing an internship with my friend
Pat Gleason, (Aquaman, Green Lantern Corps).  If all goes as planned, I'll be attending the Comic Book I-Con in Des Moines, Iowa as his lackey, and may even be able to sell a few of the minicomics that I've created during a few semesters of comics classes...  I'll try not to embarrass the guy.  Too much.  More than usual, anyway.

My in-laws live in Des Moines.  Hence, the subject header.

I Do Actual Work!

I'm going to try to post some work here every now and again, so those of you who are interested can see a tiny portion of what I'm doing at art school.

Here are a couple of pieces I've done since starting at MCAD:

Dual Self-Portrait
Faith of the Grimms 2-Page Comic
Building Observation Drawing
Foundation Photo Self-Portrait
"Girl You Want" Comic Thumbnails


Welcome to the future home of my extended portfolio, and what may one day be the business front of my intended "publishing name,"
Mystery Cycle Books.

There isn't much here.  That'll probably change in the next, oh, I don't know, two years as I come closer to graduating from art school.  But I'm making a small, nearly trivial effort to keep some of my work archived online for friends and family to look at and be convinced that I may actually have become a productive person.

So check back from time to time, is what I'm saying.  In the meantime, stop making that face, or it might stay that way.

- Devin Parker
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