International Events


The Rainbow Warrior Training...

Only one truth... One Purpose... Love...
The   Rainbow   Mystery   School
Argentina |  Canada |  Colombia |  Costa Rica |  Mexico |  Peru |  USA |  Venezuela

Space Age
the fakir Yoga Meditation Tantra The Medicine Wheel Inka Mchu Picchu Cuzco PERU ALASKA ARGENTINA CANADA COSTARICA COLOMBIA MEXICO NICARAGUA USA VENEZUELA Bhutan land of Buddhas Qi Gong - 1 Tai Chi - 1


Refugio Altiplano Iquitos PERU

Ayahuasca Retreat Costa Rica March 2008

*** Invitation PERU - Machu Picchu *** Click here ***
*** Trip to Machu Picchu *** Click here ***
*** Invitation PERU - Amazon *** Click here ***
*** Gurdjieff Dances *** Click here ***
*** TANTRA - Sacred sexuality *** Click here ***

Photo galleries

  June Video Amazonas
PERU 2008  

  June Video Cuzco
PERU 2008  

  March Ayahuasca Retreat
Costa Rica 2008  

  March The idiot and the Wise
USA Poconos 2008  

  January Seeing through the Smoke
USA Florida 2008  

  January Masculine - Femenine
USA Poconos 2008  

  Septiember Seeing through the Smoke Costa Rica 2007  

  August Hiking USA 2007  

  June PERU Choquiquerao 2007  

  June PERU Valley 2007  

  May USA 2007  

  November USA 2006  

  May Costa Rica 2007  

  June Peru 2006  

  February Costa Rica 2007  

  September Costa Rica 2005  

  February Costa Rica 2007  

  February Canada 2005

  May Florida, USA 2005

  June Peru 2004  

  June Peru 2003  

  March Venezuela 2002

  September Costa Rica 2002  

  June Peru 2002  

*** Picture Gallery MACHU PICCHU *** Click here ***
*** Picture Gallery CUZCO, SACSAYHUAMAN *** Click here ***
*** Picture gallery BHUTAN, land of the Buddhas *** Click Aqui *

  Bodhisattva vows; 

However innumerable all beings are, I vow to save them all
However inexhaustible my delusions are, I vow to overcome them all
However immeasurable the Dharma Teachings are, I vow to fathom them all
The Buddha's Path is endless, I vow to follow it to its very end


This is truly a unique training. The rainbow Warrior is a man of complete awareness�. He is a master of himself, and he is a master of all... he starts, with his body, continues with his emotions.... He works with his mind, he enters the world of the heart, and finally he enters the world of consciousness. He is a true seeker. He is a Man of discovery and courage.



All true masters insist on regaining and reclaiming the original MAN. It is the only possible way for attaining and becoming a true SPIRITUAL WARRIOR.


Life is a process, it is an experience, it is a wonderful opportunity to grow and to find the secrets and the mysteries of this universe. Once a Rainbow Warrior is born the whole universe is also born.


"The Rainbow Warrior trains intensely. His training goes beyond the knower and the known... When he enters the Path of the Rainbow Warrior, He simply dissolves like the rain-drop dissolves in the sea... He is the drop God is the sea... Undertsanding your original nature, your true self, the Dharma, the essence is the real search... The real path..."

Shiva Anand


The gift of the Rainbow Warrior has been passed down form master to disciple troughout the ages. It has always been kept secret. Only a few have attempted to master the rainbow path.


This seven week intensive retreat, is an experience designed to allow the aspirant to enter the world of the unknown in a very short period of time. In this seven weeks, he is able to accomplish that which for others have taken years of practice. We work with all forces of nature.

We work with the five elements. We move in all dimensions. We go beyond fear. We go beyond our weaknesses. We purify our heart, our mind, our body, our sipirt, our soul�..


This is the time for a new type of man to be born... All resources must be utilized for this purpose. There is no time to consider. There is no time to waste. Life each day is more and more precious. The need for a new man is day after day more and more visible, more and more possible. Joi us in our intrepid quest. To go beyong boundaries and limitations, to discover the abosolute and the mysterious.

  Our Masters Click here to see some of the masters that have inspired us on the way... ....

The Rainbow warrior awakens Universal Love and Compassion for the benefit of all living beings. Following the example of the Masters that have transformed Humanity. The Buddhas of Compassion, The Inka masters, Mayas, etc.... He dedicates his life to the awakening, to Compassion, to the Mysteries...


  The path of the Fakir (WILL)  

  The path of Yoga  

  The path of Meditation  

  The path of Tantra  

  The path of Devotion  

  The path of the Shaman  

  The man of the World  

The Path of the man of the world. Here he discovers that there is not conflict between his inner treasures and the outer treasures. He learns to be as efficient outside as he is inside� and he is not afraid of live in both worlds� he becomes a master of the market place� he becomes a master of his business�. He goes back to the world and for the first time he will be able o choose freely what he really wants, based on his own and unique experience.

"The new man accepts the whole man. It does not divide. It teaches an organic unity. Its fundamental philosophy is that you are one whole, not body and soul, not this world and that world. Your body is only the visible part of your soul.

Your soul is only the invisible part of your body. This world contains that world within it. Just you have to go deep into it. In each experience, if you are intense and total, you will find within this world that world too. This contains that. They are not separate. There is no guilt, there is no sin. Yes, you can commit mistakes, which is absolutely human. And you commit mistakes because you are not aware. I say to you, you are allowed to commit mistakes, but don't repeat the same mistake again and again. That means unawareness. When you commit a mistake for the first time, it is perfectly okay, because you have never committed it before, so how you can be aware of it. So it is a good learning. Learn something out of the mistake. And be aware that it is not repeated. So commit as many mistakes as you can. But they have to be always new, so you go on learning and you go on growing in awareness. So all the rituals of religions, and all their prayers and all their mantras and chantings, are reduced to a simple method: awareness. All their sins are reduced only to mistakes.

The original meaning of the word sin is good. It means forgetfulness. So don't commit the same mistake again, otherwise it becomes a sin; it becomes a forgetfulness. But I would not like to use the word sin, because it has become so much associated with guilt, and guilt is the heaviest load on humanity. To take it away, we can make people so light that they can almost fly.

The new man will not have any guilt. The new man will not have any split. The new man will have only one religion; that is awareness. The new man will have only one world, this world. Because that world is hidden behind it. This world is like a circumference, and that world is the center. And I call the whole man the holy man; then he becomes Zorba the Buddha. Then the whole life, with its whole spectrum, all the colors of the rainbow, you can live without any fear, without any guilt. You can dance like a Zorba, you can meditate like a Buddha, and I don't see there is any contradiction. In fact, if you have danced totally, deeply, so deeply that the dancer disappears in the dance, that is the time to start meditation. "

Osho: The Last Testament, Vol. 5, Number 27

  Seven Weeks 
Calendar 2009

Why is the sea king of a hundred streams?
Because it lies below them. Therefore it is the king of a hundred streams.
If the sage would guide the people, he must serve with humility. If he would lead them, he must follow behind. In this way when the sage rules, the people will not feel oppressed. When he stands before them, they will not be harmed. The whole world will support him and will not tire of him.
Because he does not compete, he does not meet competition.
- Lao-tzu

June1 - July 21 - 2009
Costs: US$ 4,900.00

Select Dates:


Travel To Peru... Register Today...

"There are three jewels that I cherish:
compassion, moderation, and humility.
With compassion, you will be able to be brave,
With moderation, you will be able to give to others,
With humility, you will be able to become a great leader.
To abandon compassion while seeking to be brave,
or abandoning moderation while being benevolent,
or abandoning humility while seeking to lead
will only lead to greater trouble.
The compassionate warrior will be the winner,
and if compassion is your defense you will be secure.
Compassion is the protector of Heavens salvation."

- Lao-tzu

Intensive 3 Day Shamanic Dream
Vision Quest
May - 2009

Vision Quests
Sacred Plants (Huachuma - San Pedro, Ayahuasca)



Travel To Peru... Register Today...
Visi�n Quests
Plant teachers (Huachuma - San Pedro)
Plant teachers (Ayahuasca)


Wachuma - San Pedro
The Inka Experience
JUNE 2009
Vision Quest

[email protected]

the path of the Inka Sun
JUNE 2009
7 Days in the sacred valley of the inkas
...Register today...

El Guerrero Arco Iris...
[email protected]



Travel To Peru... Register Today...

"There are three jewels that I cherish:
compassion, moderation, and humility.
With compassion, you will be able to be brave,
With moderation, you will be able to give to others,
With humility, you will be able to become a great leader.
To abandon compassion while seeking to be brave,
or abandoning moderation while being benevolent,
or abandoning humility while seeking to lead
will only lead to greater trouble.
The compassionate warrior will be the winner,
and if compassion is your defense you will be secure.
Compassion is the protector of Heavens salvation."

- Lao-tzu

Intensive 5 Day Rainbow Warrior
Full Moon - Solar Initiation
July - 2009

Vision Quests
Sacred Plants (Huachuma - San Pedro, Ayahuasca)



Rainbow Path

In the beautiful and secluded Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania, USA. Surrounded by natural beauty and intense energy. This is a life transforming experience.... expect the unexpected...

For Information and Registration contact:
Rainbow Warrior
[email protected]

* Om Ah Hum *

Esoteric Teachings
The Kybalion
"Hermetic teachings"  

The Kybalion
by Three Initiates

The Zodiac
Lessons For Each Zodiacal Sign

For Information y Registration, Itinery and Costs Contact us:

The Rainbow Warrior...
[email protected]

International, Weekend Events and Retreats

The following is a list of activities for year 2009, weekend events, meditation intensives, etc.


The Vajradhara meditation center and The Rainbow Mystery Schools are non-profit organizations. All activities are supported by generous donations. If you are interested in partcipating or donating Please call us at: 201-313-2401

Schedule of Classes

Tuesdays - Wednesdays - Thursdays

  • 7:00 pm - Hatha Yoga I
    8:00 pm - Hatha Yoga II
    9:00 pm - Meditation Session




  • 1:00 pm - Hatha Yoga I
    2:00 pm - Hatha Yoga II
    3:00 pm - Hatha Yoga III
    5:00 pm - Meditation Session

Trips to PERU The Rainbow Mystery School will be your guides in the magical land of PERU. When attending our retreats you will experience the magic and mystery of the ancient Inka wisdom. Our retreats include:
The Path of the Inka Sun..
The Awakening of Conciousness
The Mystical Fly of the Condor
The Huachuma Experience
The ayahuasca Experience


The Shamanic Experience

    Shamanic Dream

    • May 2009 *
        COSTA RICA

      Born Again
      Shamanic Intensive
      Sacred Plants Intensive

    The Path of The Inka Sun

    • Feb 5 - Feb 14 - 2009 *
      The Shamanic Experience
      Ayahuasca Retreat
      Inka Wisdom
      Wachuma Ceremony
      Sweat Lodge

    �Whenever a warrior decides to do something he must go all the way, but he must take responsibility for what he does. No matter what he does, he must know first why he is doing it, and then he must proceed with his actions without having doubts or remorse about them.�


The Beloved

  • January - 2009
    Meditation Intensive
    Retreat in the Mountains
The Awakening
  • March - 2009
    Meditation Intensive
    Retreat in the Mountains
The Art - Born Again
  • May - 2009
    Meditation Intensive
    Retreat in the Mountains
El Art of Dying
  • July - 2009
    Meditation Intensive
    Retreat in the Mountains
The Shamanic Experience
  • August - 2009
    The Path of the Shaman
    Retreat in the Mountains
Return to the zero Point
  • August - 2009
    Intensive Meditation retreat
    Physical Purification,
    Mental Purification,
    Emotional Purification
    Retreat in the Mountains
Sun - Moon - Male - Female
  • September - 2009
    Shiva & Shakti
    sun moon
    Retreat in the Mountains
The Secrets of the Eagle
  • November - 2009
    Secrets of the Spiritual Warrior
    Retreat in the Mountains

"For an average man, the world is weird because if he is not bored with it he is at odds with it. For a warrior, the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable. A warrior must assume responsibility for being here, in this marvelous world, in this marvelous time."

"A warrior lives by acting, not by thinking about acting, nor by thinking about what he will think when he has finished acting."

   El Guerrero del Arco Iris - Version Espa�ol...   

[Tibet] Cry of the Snow Lion

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(c) - 2002 Copyright The Rainbow Mystery School
This page was Updated October 2008

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