The Legend of Alantis
In a single day and night of misfortune the island of Alantis disappeared into the depths of the sea.
                          -Plato 360 BC
There was said to exist an island nation over 11,000 years ago called Alantis. It was located in the middle of the Alantic(Alantis) Ocean and was the main center for trade.The island people were wealthy, for the island was richly inhibited by an abundance of resources. In Greek Folklore, Alantis was Poseidon's, God of the Sea, territory. Poseidon created a mini-island in the center of Alantis to protect his new love Cleito. Poseidon and Cleito had five sets of twin sons together.The island was divided among them and one of the first rulers of Alantis, the eldest son, controlled the central hill. The central hill beheld a temple in honor of Poseidon, and in this temple they payed graitude to Posiedon and pass many of the laws. For a while, Alanteans lived happy, wealthy lives, yet life started to change and the peopl became greedy and evil. Zeus brought together the gods to discuss this matter. And in a moment Alantis was engulfed by the sea!
Adapted from the story told by Plato around 360 BC in the dialogues in Timaeus and Critias
Do you have a theory on Alantis? Was it a myth or did there really exist an island over 11,000 years ago? E-mail them to me at [email protected]
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