I want to expand my web site with more Fairie FAQS and images, I would appreciate any suggestions on where to get images, info, ect.!
Fairies are immortal little creatures that flutter about seemingly without a care in the world. The possess powers of magic and enchantment and can bestow gifts such as intelligence and plenty. The fairie realm reminds us to keep joy and creativity alive. Each cave and hollow tree may hold a doorway to another world. Each flower, leaf, and blade of grass has a story to tell. Streams sing ans the wind wispers timeless secrets in the ears of those who will listen. The best place to find fairies are in the "Tween Places" like forks in the road or where streams divide. And when other, than at "Tween Times" like dusk or dawn. Unless you pay attention, you may miss their approach. A sudden ripple in the water or a cold chill may indicate their presence. They range in size from the teeny tinyflower fairies, often smaller than an insect, to the great goddess fairies and those who guide the wind.
All the gifts and help they give are bestowed with magic. They give us true love and romance, they open the doors to success, and show us the great treasures of the earth. Above all else, they work diligently to rid us of our ills and troubles serving as our guardians and helping us to grow. Fresh flowers and laughter are the best way of attracting a fairy, for as each flower has its own fairy, each tear that is shed from laughter creates another fairie.
Roses seem to attract the wee ones in a powerful way. If you wear rose oil while seeking the Fae folk, they will be drawn to you despite their wishes. The Rose is thought to be the queen of flowers, hence the strong attraction from the flower fairies
Many trees are sacred to the wee ones, especially the oak. It is said that the Elder tree protects from evil night spirits, even protecting mortals in it's mission.

The wee ones hate iron and in fact, it is said that iron can be harmful of even kill a Fae.
Did you know that the difference between angel wings and fairie wings are that an angel's wings are as a birds, and a fairie's wings are as a butterflies?
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