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Katryna Crimsonheart
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The Crimsonhearts. Copyright. 2002-2005. All Rights Reserved.
This is the story of Katryna Crimsonheart, infamously known as Raven. This story tells about her upbringing, the struggles and in the end her:                                               


                                                   Lost Innocence

One stormy and windy night, there was a cry in the breeze, and unsettling peace throughout the land of Alynar. No noise was heard except the cries of the Queen. Her name was Meredith of Alymian, Queen of Alynar, wife of King Ferdinand and mother to six boys, the eldest, her favorite called Roger. She cried in agony and pain, her moans and screams of pain echoing throughout the hollow hallways where the Queen's chambers were, in the North Tower of the Palace. The King, Ferdinand paced around the floor, outside his Queen's chambers as he waited for the news, an unsettling knowledge creeping up into his mind, letting him known, reminding him of the many things to come. A soft cry echoes throughout the room, as the royal doctor announces the birth. A little girl, with jet black hair and blue eyes. At the news, the King opens the doors to the Queen's chambers, his anger rising with each second that passes by as he points out a finger at her and then the child, noticing the jet black midnight colored hair

"This is insane!", the King says as he looks over to his Queen,

"This child is not mine!" With these words everyone gasped in the room, an uneasy eerie silence covers Alynar as the ground rumbles, the windows shattered as the Queen glances over to the King, crying in pain and agony, her words muffled by the sound of the glass breaking as the King continues his insults

"This is a curse from the Gods! A damnation, nothing but pure abomination!"

"I will tell you one thing Meredith that child is Hell's child and not mine!" with that he storms out of the Queen's chambers, seeing and knowing that no one in Alynar has jet black hair except the child that has been born. With that the Queen cries even more, gripping the sheets, her soul, body and mind aching, the words of her King echoing throughout her mind as she gasped suddenly, her back arching in pain as she begins to push. The midwife quickly places the infant in her crib as the doctor quickly realizes begins to guide the Queen and smiles, knowing this is the blessing from the Dragon Gods themselves.

"Your Majesty, it is a little girl as well." he smiles, holding the baby in his arms as the midwife cuts the umbilical cord and quickly wraps the small child in a warm blanket as he hands her over to the Queen, watching as one of her ladies-in-waiting wipes away her tears of sorrow.

The King was furious and begins to walk out of the Queen's bedchamber and began to accuse her of adultery telling whoever hears him that he will find out who is the father of the child. As the king walks away and out of the Palace, the Queen cries in pain, her heart breaking at the mere thought that her King could curse their own child. She looks over to both girls and names them Katryna and Kalynna, Princesses of Alynar, two beautiful raven-haired princesses.

"Your Majesty," says the doctor, "the infants are doing well, they are healthy but hungry." with this he smiles, silently thanking the gods for such a gift as he makes his departure. As the Queen nods agreeing with him he tells Annie, one of her ladies-in-waiting to go and fetch her oldest child, Roger. At this time Roger was nearing his 18th birthday and the whole Palace waited in anticipation for the crowning of the heir to the throne. Roger still standing outside of the Queen's chamber, walks in, nodding at the doctor as a smile crosses his lips at the mere sight of two beautiful little girls, his sisters.

He walks over to his mother, the Queen and sits down next to her, taking her hand in his as he looks into her eyes, slowly and gently wiping away her tears.

"Yes Mother?" he says as he gently caresses her hand with his thumb.

"Roger my child, my loving child, please promise me something," the Queen says as she looks up into his eyes hoping that he does what she is going to instruct him to do.

"What is it Mom? I know that you are tired and I would like for you to rest. The girls are beautiful and healthy." Roger replies as he kisses her softly on the forehead.

"Roger please promise me that you will take care of Katryna, please that is all I ask of you, protect her with every fiber in your being." the Queen glances quickly at one of the nannies as the nanny walks over to the crib, picking up the child named Katryna in her arms and heads over to Roger, placing the child in his arms as she steps aside.

"Oh my she is beautiful mom, but look at all that hair! I already have a nickname for her. From this night forth she will be called Raven and loved by everyone." as he says this he smiles as he looks down to his little sister, vowing to protect her at any cost and promising his mother, the one person in his life that matters the most that he will protect her with every fiber of his being.

With this he stands up, walking about the room, holding her gently in his arms as he approaches the crib, blessing his other little sister Kalynna as she rests.

Roger gently places Katryna on her side of the crib and approaches his mother, kissing her softly on the forehead as he excuses himself and walks out of the room. The Queen glances over at one of her ladies-in-waiting as she locks the door quickly to the Queen's chambers. Mabel her most trusted lady-in-waiting walks over to her Queen and kneels down, taking her hand in hers as she looks into the Queen's eyes.

"Your Majesty, I am here to serve you tell me what to do." says Mabel as she softly rubs her hands
The Queen looks over at Annie to pick up Kalynna and hand her over to the Queen as she sighs softly and sadly at the actions that have taken place this stormy and windy night.

"Look at her Mabel, she is one in a million just like her sister. What were the chances of me, Queen Meredith giving birth to the two most beautiful little girls Alynar has ever seen?" looks over at Mabel as she cries gently placing the child in her arms.

"Your Majesty, what is it that you would like this mere lady-in-waiting to do for you?" she looks over at the Queen confused and yet not able to help to look down at the child in her arms.

"Mabel, promise me something, that you will take care of Kalynna just like if she was your own child. I know that you are not just a mere lady-in-waiting Mabel, you have been my best friend when I needed one the most. You are like a second mother to my sons and that is what I want you to be, the mother of my child, Kalynna. Please do not let the King see you with her. As you do know, he doesn't know of the birth of Kalynna and with him finding out, only the Gods know what would happen." she says this, choking back her tears of sorrow at having to come into such a decision.

"Your Majesty, I am honored that you would think of me, Mabel McKenzie to be the second mother to your child, Princess Kalynna. I will cherish her, raise her as if she was my own Your Majesty. And trust me I will not let the King even suspect that you had another raven-haired child."

"Mabel," says the Queen as she touches Kalynna's small hand, "there is a small cottage that used to belong to a good friend of mine. It is in Ralynar. You can travel to Ralynar and use the cottage if you do not have a place to go. You do know that you must travel out and away of Alynar and if anyone stops you, say that you are to bring the child to the convent." the Queen says as she leans back against her pillows, sighing sadly as she closes her green eyes.

"Yes Your Majesty, that Junier and I will do and thank you so much Your Majesty, you and the royal family have been good to us." says Mabel as she stands up, holding Kalynna in her arms as she smiles, vowing to raise her as her own as she makes her way out of the room but not before the Queen kisses her daughter Kalynna softly on the forehead, blessing her and hoping one day their paths will cross.

Three days later, at 6:00 p.m. the Queen Meredith was accused of adultery and beheaded. The people of Alynar couldn't watch such a spectacle as the King made fun of the Queen, cursing her soul forever til the end of time as he continues to accuse her of many many things. Roger watches helplessly as he wipes away his tears, his thoughts only on his little sister as he finally knows of his mother's decision.

As time went by, the servants of the Palace raised Raven. They adored her, they cherished her,their only raven-haired child. Raven grew up loved and cared for not only by the servants of the Palace but also by the people of Alynar who couldn't help but love her and treat her with the respect she deserved as the only Princess their Kingdom had. Roger doted on her, raising her along with the servants. In the meantime the King hated her, couldn't stand the sight of her or her laughter, the way she looked over at everyone as equal and not understanding the concept of higher and lower class. He began to instruct the servants to dress her in peasant clothing, telling them she is a curse and should of not been born in the first place.

With these words the servants swallowed their hatred for him and vowed one day he will get the lesson that he deserves but for now their only job was to care for their little Princess, to teach her the right from wrong and from the higher and lower class.

As a year passed by, Raven was in the garden,playing as she sang to herself, an ancient elven song that soothes the soul as she continued playing with the flowers in the royal garden.

"Mommy this flowers are for you, I hope you will like them cause King won't let me buy some at the market." says Katryna, only five years old as she plucks the flowers from the garden, placing them crumpled in her basket as she hears one of the many servants of the Palace calling to her .

"Raven! Where are you?! You know you are not supposed to be playing here by yourself." says Annie one of the servants as she wipes away her hands on her apron, a worried look on her face as she looks about for Raven.

"I am here Annie!" says Raven as she giggles, her long jet black curls bouncing as she continues to place crumpled flowers in her small basket.

"There you are you curious child! You had me looking all over for you! And to think you were here, hiding from poor old Annie." she says, smiling as she bends down a little, kissing Raven softly on her forehead as she looks down, noticing the missing flowers

"Raven, what are you up to? Why do you have those flowers in the basket. You know the King would have a fit if he sees that you have them in your basket." says Annie as she rises, placing her hand  on her waist and looks down at Raven.

"Annie you know that I want Mommy to know that I miss her, and so these flowers are for my mommy." Raven says as she looks up, staring at Annie with her baby blue eyes.

"I am sure the Queen would love to receive flowers from her one and only daughter, don't you think?" she says as she looks down and Raven and not daring to tell her anything of why her mother passed away.

Later on that day, Annie brings Raven over to the Queen's grave, helping her place the delicate crumpled flowers over the Queen's grave as she says a silent prayer, hoping and praying to the Gods that her Queen's soul is resting peacefully. With that, she picks up Raven in her arms and heads towards the Palace as she talks to Raven, whispering in her ear, making her laugh, knowing that the child's laughter is like music to her ears.

Years and seasons pass by as Raven grows up to be one of the most beautiful girls in Alynar, her hair now down to her waist, her baby blue eyes always sparkling. She was called Raven by everyone from the council members to the lowly peasant and slave in Alynar, she was adored and respected by everyone. One day her father, the King arranged the marriage of his only daughter to a Prince from another nearby land, hoping that this marriage could solidify the alliance between two nations. At the news of this, Raven merely only 13 years old runs away from home, only to be found hours later and punished. Her punishments by the King are constant, the insults, the many nights of crying out for her mother in her sleep, for her brother's absence needing his presence and the way he protects her.

Especially now that the King has arranged for Roger to be away from home even more, not letting her go with him adds more pain to her little heart, her soul already aching for someone who has been taken wrongfully from her, her own mother, the one person she knows could of understand why she feels the way she does and why the king hates her so much.

Years pass by, now Raven only 17 years old she watches her brother Roger going away on business to another country, as a handsome young man with pale skin, green eyes and dark brown hair knocked on the Palace's door, requesting to speak with the King of Alynar and only with him. He introduced himself as Lord Alienis Van Derrick,. He told the King he had just moved to the castle at other side of the mountain. While they talked he told the King his true intentions and what he would expect from his now ally, the King himself. If his request was complied he would not strike against Alynar and if it wasn't then it would be the opposite. At the news the King who was standing up, sat down, not knowing what to do, his mind running in different directions.

He obligued telling this lord that he will do as he requests, at this very moment Raven walked in, wondering if the King would eat in his office or in the dining room. She glances over to the young man, looking into his eyes and smiled politely, greeting him as the King yells at her and tells her to get out of the office. At his request she left as the young man, the lord looks over to the King.

"I am sorry Sire for asking, but who is this young peasant girl?"

"She is no peasant, she is my daughter, Katryna but they call her Raven because of her hair." replies the King as he looks about.

"If she is a Princess, Your Majesty, then why is she dressed like a peasant?" asks the Lord as he leans back against his chair, looking into the King's eyes

"Because she is a curse, a damnation! I tell you that child is pure abomination and the downfall of my Kingdom!" screams the King, not caring who can hear him as he stands up, blinded by the rage engulfing his mind as he then sits down and sighs as an idea strikes him.

"Well I believe I have the solution to your problem." says the King as he grins, telling the Lord of his plan.

"Well I hope it works Your Majesty otherwise my hands are tied." says Lord Van Derrick as he grins, thinking and knowing that the King has no idea who and with what he has made a business deal with an vowing to himself that he will encounter the gorgeous raven-haired girl.

Days and weeks passed by, the servants and everyone else noticing the way the King's behavior changed. He insisted on Raven to be called Princess Katryna, for her to be dressed in the latest fashion and also instructed for a servant to teach her the manners of how to be a princess. At the news, Raven was elated, finally the chance to prove to him, the King, that she is a princess, that she is equal to anyone whether she dresses in peasant clothes or not.

That very night she smiles as she sits behind her small wood desk, a piece of paper in front of her and an ink pen in her hand as she begins to write to her oldest brother Roger of what has the King instructed for the servants to do. She glances over at the finished letter and smiles, placing the Kingdom seal on the back of the envelope as she calls Martien, one of the messengers and instructing him on where to send the letter to.

Martien quickly walks away, wanting to make sure the letter arrives at its destination in time.

Days and nights passed by as Lord Van Derrick came to visit the King and his family more and more. His green eyes always looking her over, somehow knowing that he desires her. She looks away, shrugging away at the thought as she eats carefully, not daring to spill anything on her beautiful peach colored gown as the King suddenly stands up announcing that the Grand Masquerade Ball will be rescheduled, instead of having to wait three more months, the Masquerade Ball will be scheduled two weeks from now. At the news, everyone at the table smiled, applauding not knowing of the King's intention and knowing that this year's Masquerade Ball will be unforgettable.

The day came as Raven woke up excited, weeks of Princess treatment and yet she still treated her servants equally, always thanking them for doing a chore for her or picking up after her. A few hours later, there was a knock on her door, Annie one of the servants, knocked continuously

"Raven, I mean Katryna please open the door this is a bit heavy." she says as she smiles, hearing Raven's footsteps approaching the door.

Raven opens the door and smiles, seeing a very large white box in Annie's arms as she slowly moves aside, letting her best friend Annie walk inside her room, holding the box, watching as she places the box gently on the bed.

"Well Annie what is it? You know that I hate it when you don't tell me." she smiles, walking over to Annie and hugging her as she looks over the box.

"Well child, this is a gift from your brother. He wants you to wear it the night  of the Masquerade Ball." replies Annie as she opens the box, revealing a beautiful gown as well as medium size velvet box. Raven looks over to her friend and smiles not knowing what it is as Annie says

"Well child, this is something from your mother, what she left for you, her only daughter and she wanted you to have this when the time came for you to attend the Masquerade Ball." she says as she picks up the  velvet box and hands it over to her.

"Oh my, for me? Thank you Annie," says Raven as she holds the box in her hands as she looks up towards the ceiling, thanking her mother silently as she looks down, opening the box gently as it reveals one of the most beautiful jewelry she has ever seen.

"Oh my Gods this is Annie this is beautiful!" she grins and hugs Annie tightly as Annie hugs her lovingly in returned

"That used to belong to your mother, and her mother, and the one before her and so forth, it has belong to every Queen of Alynar and now it belongs to you Katryna."

"But Annie you know that Roger is going to be the King of Alynar, I do know then that this jewelry should be passed on to his wife, don't you think?" replies Raven as she arches a brow, gently closing the velvet box.

"No child, Roger wanted you to have it. He knows that this is the only thing connecting you to your mother, Our Heavenly Queen, May the Gods have her resting in peace. Now try on your dress okay and I will be right back." with that she walks away, closing the door behind her as she hears Raven giggle once again, loving both presents as Annie walks away, shaking her head.

The night of the Masquerade Ball arrives, the whole land is buzzing excited at the mere thought the Grand Masquerade Ball is about to start. Raven in the meantime begins to get dressed as the servants begin to help her get ready for the evening's event. After they were finished, Raven with her eyes closed thanks to her servants who insisted of her closing them they lead her to the mirror as they back away, instructing her to open her eyes and take a good look at herself the most beautiful Princess Alynar has ever produced.

Raven gasps, placing a hand over her lips as she chokes back her tears of emotions, the beautiful necklace her mom has given her now gently worn around her neck, the beautiful gown her brother sent her matching her baby blue eyes sparkle even more as she lowers her hand, not able to describe the rush of emotions coursing through her as she looks at herself in the mirror, turning here and there and watching as her long raven  curls bounce as she moves about as she begins to wish that for her mom to see her attending her first Masquerade Ball.

She thanks each and every servant as she steps out of the room, one of her brothers talking to her about things as he guides her towards the beautiful ballroom. The music playing, echoing throughout the halls, the many people she encounters in the hallways staring at her as she makes her way inside. Raven enters the ballroom, her favorite place in the whole palace and with innocent eyes she looks through her mask at the beautiful ladies and gentlemen. She quickly glances over, noticing Lord Van Derrick as he bows, greeting her respectfully as her brother Amien leads her towards the King.

As the court notices their Princess they all begin to bow respectfully their heads down as the King looks sternly at his daughter and watching how each and everyone bows to her. The King extends his hand, taking her hand in his as he leads her to her rightful place. She sits down, looking at everyone through her small mask as she notices the gentleman, Lord Van Derrrick glancing at her once again and a smile upon his lips.

Raven danced and laughed, enjoying the most beautiful night she has ever encountered not to mention eating the most delicious food she has ever tasted coming to a conclusion there's no food better out there than the one in her own land.  She danced the waltz with a few princes and lords of Alynar and other lands as they all told her how beautiful she looks. Suddenly her partner gets gently tapped on the shoulder as Lord Van Derrick says "I am sorry for cutting this dance so short but I would like to dance with Princess Katryna, that's if you do not mind at all, Your Highness."

Raven glances over the shoulder of the Prince as he looks into her eyes, looking for her approval as Lord Van Derrick smirks. She nods as she thanks the Prince for the dance as she feels Lord Van Derrick's cold hand takes hers in his, his other hand around her small waist as they begin to dance, his green eyes burying deep into her own soul as she looks into his eyes, the smile upon his lips never leaving as she dances with him, feeling as if the room starts to turn round and round in a world where there's no ending and no beginning.

The King notices the dance between his daughter and this Lord Van Derrick as a small ray of hope and shame overcomes him,  and he suddenly stands up, telling one of the guards to get his daughter immediately. The guard quickly nods and begins to approach Raven, not caring whether the Lord gets mad or not as he whispers in her ear that the king must see her privately at once.

At this Raven wonders what the King, after so many years of not wanting to even talk to her would want with her, especially this very night. She obeys and excuses herself from the Lord as he continues looking at her, licking his lips, watching the way she sways her hips even under the dress as she walks away and approaches the King.

"Your Majesty," says Raven, "Did you asked for me?" she looks into his eyes as he nods, whispering in her ear .

"I must speak with you my daughter, please follow me." he says as he walks away and Raven follows, the mask in her hand as she walks out of the ballroom following the King

As the King approaches his office, one of the guards standing by opens the door for him as he steps in, telling Raven to come in as well as he tells one of the guards to lock the door from the outside. The guard obeys locking it from the outside as Raven looks about, for the first time noticing a picture of her mom Queen Meredith behind the King's desk.

The King looks to his daughter, seeing her mother's spirit in her, the way she laughs as he sighs softly, not knowing what to tell her or what to do.

"Katryna please sit down, I must speak with you and it's very important." he says as he sits down by the fireplace.

"Yes father, but what is it that you have to tell me?" she says as she sits down in front of him, gently fixing her dress as she does, her mask still in her hand as she looks towards the roaring fire in the fireplace.

"I would like to tell you Katryna that I am sorry for my behavior towards you." he says not wanting to hold anything back, especially this very night as he looks at her, noticing how beautiful she is and how proud he is of having her as his daughter as he continues

"I...beg your pardon Your Majesty? Forgiveness?" she says, looking into his eyes as she looks at him dumbfounded and confused not knowing what to make of it as he nods.

"Yes forgiveness for the way I have treated you. I know no amount of apology will help to ease the pain you feel for the death of your mother. I know that you miss her very much and never had the chance of getting to know her."

She looks at him, choking back her tears at the mere mention of her mother as she nods "I forgive you Father." she says looking at him once more as she glances towards the fire.

"Thank you, you do not know how much this means to me Katryna. But there's something so important that I have to tell you. Before you were born, I received a visit from two shadowstars, two angelic like creatures from the land of Avalon. They told me of the Rise and Fall of the Empire, Alynar, and told me of the one female ruler who will rule over everything and who will be the downfall of the Kingdom, that female is you Katryna." he says as he sighs, tears streaming down upon his face as he begins to tell her of the visit and how it came about.

"A few weeks ago I received the visit of Lord Van Derrick. Katryna he is going to attack Alynar if I do not give him what he wants and what he wants is you. I said yes to the deal, hatred and misjudgement clouded my mind and my soul not realizing that my own daughter needed me. Katryna I love you so much and please forgive me once again for the way I have treated you. I have treated you a lot worst than the lowly peasant on this land and for that I deserve any kind of punishment but as you do know only the Gods have our cards played out and it will be up to them to rule the punishment I deserve. Katryna my lovely and lovingly daughter, you are bound to marry this Lord this evening, and I cannot and will not give you away.." with this he begins to cry even more revealing to her more than meets the eye as she kneels down in front of him, crying with him as well as he hugs her tightly, staining her dress with his tears as he holds her lovingly in his arms.

"Father I have forgiven you a long time ago. Please do not let me marry this man I do not love and want please father do not let it happen not now and not tonight please!" she says as her tears streams down her face as he nods, holding her gently in his arms as he calls out for one of the guards.

The guard enters as the King tells him of his decision.

"Tell Lord Van Derrick the deal is off, tell him I cannot and will not give my only daughter, Princess Katryna of Alynar." with this the guard bows and walks away as father and daughter are kneeling down in front of the fireplace, hugging each other as he continues asking for forgiveness holding her in his arms as this would be the last time.

An hour later there's a banging at the door, louder and louder it grows as the King looks about, having spent the hour talking to his daughter about things as he hears screams from outside as four pale men break down the doors to his office. The King quickly stands up as the four men grin, approaching them with their weapons raised pushing the King away from Katryna as they take her by her arms.

Raven struggles, not wanting to go with these men as she cries for her father, two more pale men take the King by his arms as well as Raven and the King sees people dropping dead in the hallways, screams coming from everywhere as Raven is rushed into the ballroom where a man about six feet tall, long jet black hair wearing a black cloak over his shoulders watches her.

Raven cries as they finally let her go, she runs towards the King as she feels a set of cold hands pulling her away as they line up the King with the rest of the royal family as they have them all including Raven kneel down on the cold floor of the ballroom as she watches not just the four men who were dragging her to the ballroom but also the young man with the black cloak and also about twenty pale men, their skin glistening in the moonlight as they begin to massacre each and every one of her brothers including her father.

Raven screams trying to get away as they hold her back, her soul aching as she turns around swiftly, grabbing a dagger from one of them and stabs him in the heart, watching as he turns into dust as the young man sends more men to hold her down some of them already running after her as she runs out of the ballroom.

Raven finally reaches the front door of the Palace as the young man blocks her exit as she stumbles back.

"What are you?!" she says through tears, her tears streaming down her face as she looks into his eyes as she hears another voice speak behind her.

"Laramier, this one is the one right?" he says as he smirks looking down at her as he picks her up over his shoulders. Screams and cries of the Lord and Ladies of Alynar echoing throughout the Palace, everywhere she looked all she saw was the destruction of the only home she has ever known as Laramier smiles telling the one that is holding her to place her in the cage along with the other virgin females.

At this Paramir obeys and nods walking away, placing Raven in the cage as she screams bloody murder not knowing what will they do to them as the other females cling to one another scare as Raven begins to cry to mourn the death of her brothers and father  and wishing that Roger was here to help her and the Kingdom.

She stumbles back in the cage as the carriage begins to move to the unknown destination as she holds to the bars of the cage, begging to be let out. After a while she feels the carriage come to a complete stop. A cold slowly making its way under her skin as she looks over to the other females to see if they are okay, for which they nod letting her know that they trust her as well as she trust them.

The cage door opens as one by one gets pulled out and dragged inside of the castle as they finally two men take hold of Raven, making sure she doesn't escape as they bring them all inside of the castle and into a room where they can wash up for the evening's event. Laramier approaches Raven, kissing her deeply and passionately as she then slaps him for daring to even press his disgusting cold lips against hers. Laramier laughs kissing her again as she pushes him away. Paramir reminds him of what would happen if he tries anything else. Laramier shrugs, "Why does he always gets the good ones?" he says as he begins to walk out of the room but not before letting all the females know that they have to wash up and be ready in ten minutes.

One by one they wash their hands and face, talking among themselves as they look about, not knowing what to make of it as Raven sits by the locked and barred window, overlooking what she could make out is her land, Alynar. Suddenly the door to the room opens ten men walk in as they begin to rush one by one every female placing Raven at the end of the line.

Raven begins to cry quietly, wanting to go home, wanting to know what have become of her people, her land including her best friend Annie. As they enter the room she notices how the room is actually a court, and Lord Alienis Van Derrick sitting on his throne, a smile upon his lips as he stands up, welcoming them to his home. She cries quietly wanting to leave this place and his presence as Raven notices these people, his court, looking at her with hunger, wanting to feel her soft lips against their cold lips to bring life back to their deadless bodies, to  feel her warm touch against their cold skin.

One by one the girls begin to be sacrificed, their life, their vitae passed around in glasses to the massive court as Raven realizes they were all vampires, creatures of the night, hunters of dreams.
Finally it was Raven's turn as two guards guide her towards Lord Van Derrick as he looks down at her, his green eyes now a crimson red as she struggles from their hold and his gaze as he locks his eyes with hers, commanding her to stop struggling at once as his voice echoes throughout the court.

"You were supposed to marry me tonight Little Raven." he says cold hatred in his voice and a dark desire in his eyes as he looks her over caressing her warm cheek with his cold hand as he looks at once more.

"Your father was so willing to give you up, he even called you a damnation, pure abomination and a curse. Now tell me Little Raven, why did the King decided to break the business deal with a Creature of the Night?

She looks up at him swallowing her tears and her fears as she looks into his crimson eyes, " because finally my Father the King realized the love he has for me was no other, that his hatred for me was the worst thing a father can do to his own daughter and not to mention Lord Van Derrick that at the end, I forgave him. I forgave him for his cruelty for his harsh words and for the way he mistreated me. My father let the prophecy cloud his judgment all these years. Now please I beg of you do not kill me, let me go please and I will not tell anyone what has happened this evening, please I beg of you Milord." she begins to cry as she kneels down asking him to spare her life. His anger now rising once again, knowing things could of been different if only the King would of not backed up from the deal. He quickly reaches down, grabbing her by the neck lifting her in the air as he notices the necklace.

"This necklace, no it cannot be. You are the next one to wear the necklace Little Raven?" he says as he smiles widely, his crimson red eyes sparkling as his court feasts on the blood of virgins as he says in her ear, "You were meant for me Little Raven and this necklace is the Jewel of Alynar. A woman or girl such as yourself wears this, it means that they are bound to be taken by any man who claims her."

"And so Little Raven, tonight I claim you as my bride forever." With that he tastes her fear, her hatred towards him as he senses the darkness surfacing for the first time within her and with that along with her screams and tears he rips her beautiful navy blue off the shoulders gown, and proceeds to take her in front of his hungry vampiric court as she screamed her mortal scream for the last time.

This is Raven's story, told by her and her people, her suffering, her need of her father's love and affection, the cruelty of her brothers, the absence of the only brother she has come to love the one who treated her like a daughter. This, all of this, plus finally the taking of the Innocense made Raven what she is today, but one thing this Lord Van Derrick did not do and that was what the King asked him not to do the night he made the deal with the vampire lord, "Do not break her spirit, do what you wish with her but all I ask is do not break her spirit."

To this day,

Raven's spirit remains unbroken .

The End
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