Katryna "Raven" Crimsonheart
Name: Katryna Crimsonheart

Nickname: Raven

Age: 121 years old

Main Residence: Alynar Palace

Second Residence: Crimsonheart Manor, Morningstar Estate, Draven Manor

Marital Status: Married to Cal.

Children: Eric, Prince of Vanar and Alynar, Damian Morningstar, Prince of Alynar, Trinity "Honey" Princess of Alynar, Talyssa Mae, Princess of Alynar, Damian Crimsonheart, adopted child of Katryna, Sadie Lial, Princess of Alynar

Grandchildren: 1- Falin Sin, son of Princess Trinity "Honey" Worshire-Crimsonheart and General Devon Worshire Crimsonheart, General of the Alynarian Army

Clan Members- so many to mention so expect to see the list soon.

Achievements: Queen of Alynar, Wife of Lord Calendron, Belial's love interest (those that do know the story know what I mean ;-) ), Mother of Prince Eric, Prince Damian, Princess Trinity, Princess Talyssa, Prince Damian C., Princess Sadie Lial. Protector of Arrakis, Sire of Thalien, Kane, Quan, Cuffs, Keely. Ally of Dragons Keep, Castle Goodrich, Perpetual Night Palace, Darkwolf Clan among others. Ally of many nations and countries. Founder and CEO of Draven Technologies, Crimsonheart Enterprises, Graylhian Enterprises in London, Grayson-Crimsonheart Foundation for the Community (yes we rp modern times).

Favorite Quote: "Tell me that you love me, tell me that the love we have for one another is worth the risk against a thousand gods!"- Katryna Crimsonheart

Dedication: OOC- I would like to dedicate this webpage to the rpers that have helped me out these three years. I have learned from you guys quite a lot and you all know who I mean when I say this. I have learned even by frustration and anger but I have learned. I have also learned to expand my mind even over the edge and not be afraid on trying new things. To explore and become the best of what I can be and will be even through the means of my creativity and not let anything get in the way. Thank you all and to those that do know and have helped me shapen up my rp skills I dedicate this character not just the webpage to you. Mwa!

P.S. Please have some patience with Raven. Everyone knows she's a bitch, I mean Queen Bitch...lol Oh and to those that do not know the meaning of Bitch here it goes:


P.P.S.S. By the way I must say that I have to thank my best friend Mark aka Thalien...I love you papi MMWAAA!!!

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