Master Sin's Serenity Morningstar
Serenity Morningstar
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Crimsonheart Manor
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Name: Serenity Morningstar
Age: 20
Birthdate: April 12, 1984
Birthplace: Nanidia
Birth Parents: Max and Mia
Hobbies: reading, writing, sewing and the   most important one: Pleasing my Master Sin.
Residence: Master Sin's Summer Cottage and Crimsonheart Mansion.

I am Serenity Morningstar, personal property of My Master, Lord Belial Morningstar, son of Lucifer and Lilith.

I was born in the land of Nanidia, the daughter of the baker named Max and Mia. I came to my Master's presence a year ago and since then I have never looked back.

I love, adore and cherish my Master with every fiber of my beign. I exist to please Him only.
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