What is astral projection?

Astral projection, otherwise known as an Out of Body Experience (OBE), is when your spirit leaves your still-living body. During this period your body becomes unconscious and leaves your spirit free to roam about as you wish. This is not a dream, but just a part of your own self stepping foot into the different dimentions of existence. The first few times it can be scary, leaving your body for the first time in your life, but after a while it can be fun!

So how on earth do I do that!?

Most people have their first "flight" unexpectedly, usually while meditating. This requires practice and the ability to clear your mind, and once you get the hang of it, OBE becomes very easy to achieve. Along with good meditation, you must find a nice, quiet spot where you will not be disturbed. A place far out into the woods would be a good one, or even in a bedroom at night. If your body is disturbed during the flight, your spirit will be automatically returned to your body, and it can be quite a shock when you regain consciousness.

Are there any exercises I can do to help?

Some people like to use an ointment or herbal blend to help this along. I personally have not used them, but have heard that sometimes they are great. Do NOT, though, ever use any herbal blend, for astral projection or otherwise, that contains Hemlock, Belladonna, Aconite, or Cowbane. These can be extremely poisonous, and even deadly. Make sure you research everything before you experiment with it. Many other people, though, do not wish to use any other supplements to help them along. There are many good techniques out there, but I believe it is always hard to find the right one for you. I have posted below some good ideas found on other websites, and will later post my own when I achieve this state myself. Good luck! =P

Nontoxic Flying Ointment 1

1 part Dittany of Crete
1 part Cinquefoil
1 part Mugwort
1 part Parsley
Prepare using the formula for making an ointment in the herbal section and anoint the body prior to an Astral Projection session.

Nontoxic Flying Ointment 2

2 drops Sandalwood Oil
1 drop Jasmine Oil
1 drop Benzoin Oil
1 drop Mace Oil
Add these essential oils to the ointment base and anoint the body prior to an Astral Projection session.

The Gazing Technique

By Leia

There is only one technique that works for me. Maybe it can work for you too. This is to be done when going to bed. You need something to focus on; if it is in view the moon, the stars, a crystal, a favorite doll will work well... Use whatever you like.

Just not a Candle or anything that burns!

This method involves the body falling asleep, and you should never leave anything that burns unattended. I usually use my crystal ball for this.

Place the object within your view and lie down in your bed. Just stare at the object as you doze off. The first few times may be frustrating. You may just fall asleep and that's it. But after a few tries, this worked for me.

Keep staring at the object. As your eyelids become heavy, keep staring. Eventually your eyes will close, but you will still be able to see the object. You will still be staring at the object. Sit up or stand up, and don't be surprised to see your physical body sleeping peacefully in your bed!

This works fairly well for me. When you are out of your body, do whatever you wish. I am still getting used to the out of body feeling (I achieved my first one only a month ago ), so I have not travelled any farther than the roof of our apartment building yet.

This time is yours. Just tell people that you are attempting this and don't wish to be disturbed.

*Page by Edana*

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