This initiation can be used for covens or groups, for it requires more than one person. The initiation ceremony is not required to become Wiccan, but it's just to show to others your dedication.


For the ritual you will need a brazier or fireproof container, self-lighting charcoal, red wine, a goblet, an athame or wand, a feather, anointing oils, and sage. It�s also nice to have a new ritual robe for the initiate, provided by either the newcomer or the group. Alternatively, prepare some type of crystal, charged by each member of the group, to give as a welcoming gift to the initiate during the ritual

Before the rite, the initiate should be somewhere quiet where he or she can meditate alone. Also, set up a curtain through which the initiate can enter the sacred space. This curtain marks the passage from the old life into the new, from the mundane realms into magic.

The Altar

Cover the altar with any colored cloth desired. For example, green is a nice choice for beginnings and growth. Place the brazier (or fireproof container) at one side of the circle with the sage and the feather. Put the cup filled with red wine at the other.


This invocation takes the form of a prayer, during which the leader of the group walks the circle with the burning sage. Use the feather to fan the smoke outward for protection:

Lady of the Moon, God of the Rising Sun,
Protectors all, we invoke your presence to witness this rite.
Let the powers of Air and Fire, Water and Earth swirl �round,
Safeguard this sacred space and empowering it with magic.
As your servants, we come in unity.
Give us the wisdom and strength,
The perfect love and trust to welcome a new member among us.
So be it.

Meditation and Visualization

This guided meditation is for the group to perform before the initiate comes in. One person recites the visualization, or a tape recording can be used so everyone can participate. Quiet music seems to enhance the effectiveness of guided meditations, so see if you can find an appropriate tape or CD.

See the sparkling shimmer of magic swirling around you. It is part of you, part of each of us. We are one in the magic; one bright sphere of light that surrounds this room. Breathe of the light, let it fill you, hold you, and heal you [pause].

Watch the magic dance from person to person; see it play in their auras, then dance from person to person; see it play in their auras, then dance on, until each of us waltzes in Power from the others here gathered�.Yet someone is missing�.The dance lulls without all its partners. Prepare your heart to welcome that partner [pause].

Visualize love as a warm pink light and direct it toward the curtain through which our new member shall soon pass [pause]. Leave the light of your love here, the light of unity, then slowly return to normal awareness. When you feel ready, open your eyes.

The Ritual

A sponsor from the group goes to get the initiate. As the initiate passes through the curtain, through the curtain, the sponsor hands him or her the magical robe, saying �You walk now in a place between worlds, time without time. Leave the mundane behind you, and don the mantle of magic as you enter the sacred space.� The initiate puts on the robe and is guided to the leader, who will use the feather to smudge the initiate�s aura with sage smoke. The leader also makes the symbol of a pentagram over the initiate�s Third Eye using that persons athame or wand, then gives it to the initiate, saying, �Use this tool wisely and responsibly. Let it guide you through this circle to the guardians to be welcome.� The initiate places the tool in his or her belt sheath.

The sponsor takes the initiate to each quarter of the circle, starting in the east, the point of beginnings. The initiate stands before the point while the sponsor says, �Guardians of the Outer Realms, watch over this person on the path he/she begins today. Guide him/her in all things that word and deed both bear the Air [change Air to Fire, Water or Loam/Earth depending on the quarter in which you stand] of magic.� If possible, have some appropriate anointing oils at each quarter mark - patchouli for Earth, lavender for Air, rosemary for Fire, and rose for Water. Dab a bit of this on the initiates heart chakra and each palm.

After completing the salute to the last quarter, the initiate says �I give my hands and heart in working magic for the greatest good.� The sponsor says �the winds [Flames, Waves or Seeds] have witnessed your promise and convey it through the web of all things from which we receive and direct our magic.�

The initiate moves to the center of the circle where the leader of the group hands him or her a goblet. �This is the cup of unity. By drinking of it you make a commitment to all here gathered to protect, nurture and energize our magic together in the spirit of perfect love and trust. Do you accept this charge?�
The initiate responds, �I do so freely.�
The leader continues, �Then I ask you by what name you choose to be called in this sacred space. Whisper it now to my ear.� The initiate tells the leader the chosen magical name. The leader then walks with the initiate around the circle clockwise, introducing him or her by this new name to each person present. As the two of them walk, the members of the circle also partake of the cup.

Other Activities

During this last circuit of introductions, a crystal or other gift for the initiate might be passed. As each person holds it, he or she charges it with a wish for the initiate. Examples include, �May this crystal bring you peace� and �May this crystal bear our united energies.�

Closing the Circle

The remainder of the cup is poured out by way of an offering as the leader says:

Old Ones, Ancestors, and Goddess all,
I pour this with a thankful heart,
For today we have a new brother/sister.
May each of us be an example
Of the power, promise, and potential in magic.
As we each go from this place,
Watch over us, and particularly _______ [Initiates magic name]
Until we meet again.
The circle is open, but never broken.
Hail and farewell.

All coven members repeat: �Hail and farewell.�

*Page by Sylvyr*

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