Here you will find how the small mystical creatures of the Earth live.

Conditions for Connection with Nature Spirits

Earth Spirits - Vapor Conditions - Spring, Fog, Mists, Soft Rains, Morning Dew, Valleys
Water Spirits - Ice Conditions - Winter, Cold, Frosts, Precipitation, Mountains
Air Spirits - Dust Conditions - Autumn, Deserts, Hazes, Arid Regions, High Altitudes
Fire Spirits - Heat Conditions - Summer, Volcanic Lands, Deserts


ElementElemental BeingsKingAngel

Your Elements

Step 1. Find the Primary Vowel in your first name. This indicates the groups of elemental beings you can most easily align with (see chart below).

Step 2. The other Vowels in your first name indicate the other elemental groups that are secondary in ease of attunement.

Zodiac SignsElemental Beings
Ether is the substance from which all elements came forth.
It overrides and permeates all creation, all signs, and all elemental beings.

Combined Elementals and their Influences

Fire with Fire - Overstimulated impulses and passion; provides much energy for life goals.
Air with Air - Generates excessive mental process; provides a whirlpool of ideas and expressiveness.
Water with Water - Gives added depth and sensitivity; may demand realistic focus.
Earth with Earth - Causes inertia, materialism, stability; awakens latent talents.
Fire with Earth - Inspires mobility and recognition of boundaries; can stimulate expression or ground passions.
Fire with Air - Strengthens and raises ideals; stimulates inspiration and creativity.
Fire with Water - Teaches alchemical and life changing processes; awakens rebirth and useful ideas.
Earth with Air - Demonstrates how to stabilize volatile conditions in life; revitalizes.
Earth with Water - Demonstrates the necessity of growth; stabilizes restlessness; awakens compassion.
Air with Water - Renews and refreshes; broadens sympathies and modifies over-sensitivity.
The Ether will accentuate and intensify the relationship and activity of every elemental force to which it is applied, whether good or bad.

Earth People - Those with the earth element prevailing in their life have to deal with the challenge of coping with the stimulating energies of the world. Meeting their mundane obligations can drain and ruin links with the base elemental earth powers of their personal gnome, thus causing imbalance. Therefore, it is very important for such people to constantly recharge and strengthen their connection to this gnome energy by, for example, getting their bare feet into mud or grass. Finding time to be around trees and other plants is also quite effective.

Water People - People with this element as the predominant one in their lives are in need of emotional involvement, and often to quite an intense level. If the opportunity to gain access to the whole range of emotion, their links to the elemental powers of their undine will weaken, thus causing health problems on some level. They need the presence of water and the possibility to immerse themselves in it to recharge their undine and to keep the primal link with it strong. It is a balancing force.

Air People - Folks with air as the dominant element in their lives need mental stimulation as well as social involvement. These people are in need of channels that offer to them a free expression of ideas and also an intellectual freedom to keep the link to their sylph strong. If it is not there, the connection weakens, and imbalence will be emminant. TO recharge the primal elemental powers, these people require clean, thin, electric air often. Going on trips to the mountains, away from the humidity, where there is crisp, dry air, is necissary for these people in connecting to the air element.

Fire People - People with this as the most prominent element need a lot of sunshine and vigorous activity to charge and strengthen their ties with the primal power of their salamander. Work that requires plenty of physical activity and is demanding is beneficial for them. These people need the out doors, particularly during summer, so they can store the elemental energies for winter. Places where the sun is strong and hot are essential to their beauty, as well as health, and also their ability to connect with their salamander and any other beings connected to the fire element.


1. They have a stunted nature.
2. They have a strong kinship with the Earth
3. They are often reclusive.
4. There are no women among them (because of this they often sculpted progency from metal and stone, and often they fell in love with mortal women).
5. They have a great understanding of the primal forces of the Earth.
6. They are often master craftmen.
7. They are masters of incantation.
8. They hoarded great treasures.
9. They often provided mortals with assistance and gifts, both of which were usually touched with magic.
10. They were the masters of the mundane elements.

What We Learn from Them
1. We develop greater circumspection.
2. We awaken determination to succeed, along with various means to do so.
3. They help open opportunities for success.
4. They help us to balance greed and manipulation.
5. They can help us to overcome coarse and base expressions of life.
6. They assist us in our timing, healing to bring us back within nature's rhythms where everything can work more easily.
7. They can reveal the treasures of the Earth,
8. They can restore a joy in the experience of mundane activities.
9. They hold the knowledge to using the Earth's resources to cure diseases and to instill prosperity.
10. They awaken a renewed reverence for all expressions of life.
11. They can teach us how to control and use the Earth's forces.
12. They can help us in tapping and using the forces inherent in the human body.
13. They hold the keys to magic.
14. They stimulate artistic energies and craftsmanship.
15. They can teach us to overcome the influences of time.

Water Sprites, Spirits, and Nymphs

1. Beauty is their keynote. This beauty is often reflected through feminine forms. This does not mean that there are no make water spirits, as there are mermen and such things. Water though is so universally and archetypically feminine, that this may be the most ideal or easiest form for them to appear.
2. They communicate through our emeotions.
3. They are generally sweet and gentle.
4. A certain fluidness is characteristic of most. The can present themselves in enticing, seductive and appealing forms. They also may take the form of sea creatures such as seals, dolphins, turtles etc. Many shore creatures share their magic and serve as a bridge to humans (turtles, frogs, lizards, etc.).
5. They are generally and genuinely fond of humans, although they are hesitant to reveal themselves.
6. They have a special love of flowers and plants.
7. They belong to or are generally confined to their water source.
8. They have a great love for music and are often beautiful singers.
9. They can bestow magical gifts and treasures, including healing and protection. They are skilled in enchantment.
10. They inspire love, inspiration, creative imagination, intuition and clairvoyance.

What We Can Learn from Them
1. We develop our psychic nature through contact with them.
2. We learn to be more nurturing.
3. They show us how to develop greater resourcefulness.
4. They teach us about healing.
5. They help us overcome fears of confinement.
6. They assist us in developing flexibility.
7. They stimulate our romantic nature.
8. They awaken compassion and sensitivity.
9. They simulate artistic inspiration.
10. They help us to deal with exaggerated emotions.
11. They help us develop greater sensuality.
12. They awaken the creative imagination.

Air Spirits

1. They are often very delicate and ethereal in appearance. They have great beauty and gentleness.
2. They communicate with us mostly through thought. They are critical to the development of clairaudience.
3. They can help us in developing telepathy.
4. They have stimulating, changeable energy. It may be calm and refreshing or it may become gale-like in intensity.
5. Just as the wind takes many forms so do these faeries. They often take the form of birds or other winged creatures.
6. Song and must draws them, especially must of wind instruments.
7. They often reveal their presence through sudden breezes, fragrances or the finding of feathers.
8. They are generally not confined to any particular area.
9. They can stimulate great healing and wisdom. They can also stimulate musical abilities and inspiration.
10. They are essential to understanding all languages, including the language of animals.

What We Can Learn from Them
1. They enhance the power of speech and music.
2. They help us use the power of thought so that we can call all beautiful things into being.
3. They teach us the harmony of all things and all people, and they help create a desire for greater harmony.
4. They can help us develop telepathy and clairaudience.
5. They stimulate intuitiveness and inventiveness.
6. They are always drawn to those who write (and read) poetry, for poetry is the music of words.
7. They awaken greater intellect and strength of will.
8. They are essential in connecting with our genius.
9. They help us in developing a more mystical attitude towards life.
10. They assist us in recognizing and using the winds of change in every aspect of our life- from determining the weather to everything that can occur within our lives.

Fire Spirits

1. They are called into being by the rhythms of fire and manifestation of heat.
2. They often appear in shades of colors associated with fire, i.e. red, orange, yellow.
3. Although they do not take forms of animals and other creatures frequently, they will occasionally do so. They most commonly appear in the form of dragons and other mythical fire creatures, fireflies, snakes and other reptiles.
4. Music and strong rhythms are very enticing to them.
5. They stimulate great passion
6. They often appear in more of a masculine form, but we must be careful about drawing assumptions based on the form and the frequency of that form.
7. Although more numerous in warmer climates and seasons, they are not confined to any particular area.
8. They can be dynamic catalysts for change and transformation.
9. They hold the keys to the lessons of life after death and the mysteries surrounding it.
10. They instill great inspiration and spiritual perception, and they hold the keys to the magical processes of alchemy.

What We Can Learn from Them
1. They enhance our passions - physical and spiritual.
2. They can become agents of transmutation, transformation and regeneration.
3. They stimulate greater understanding of the primal love of spirit and our own creative life force.
4. They assist us in awakening, developing and controlling kundalini energy.
5. They assist us in seeing that which needs to be torn down and that which can help us re-create in our lives.
6. They reach us the physical and Spiritual aspects of alchemy.
7. They stimulate Creativity, courage, higher vision and idealism.
8. They can help prevent us from dissipating our life force through self- indulgence and sensual excess.
9. They help us to bring forth our own spiritual fires so that matter becomes obedient to the will.
10. They help us in recognizing the laws of cause and effect as they are manifesting within our own life or the lives of others.
11. They assist us in developing great catalytic healing energies.
12. They can teach us the true significance, power and applications of sexual energy-physically and spiritually.

Other Mystical Creatures

These creatures are half horse and half human. Most often the half that is human is depicted as a male, but there certainly can be a female half.
Mythology - Centaurs originated in Babylonia and were originally considered to be guardian spirits. In the Greek tradition, they were thought of as man eaters, lecherous and violent.
Symbolic Aspect - Half human half animal represents a movement away from the animal. They represent a change in the consciousness and rising to a new plane of awareness.
Attributes- Centaurs are extremely sexual creatures, and they stimulate strong sexual resonses. If you encounter one of these creatures, you may learn lessons associates with sexuality and learning to use its dynamic force in new ways. It can also symbolize a time of greater knowledge rising out of turbulance. Encounters can also represent guardianship in some area of your own life. Occasionally, centaurs will become patrons, or teachers and guides, for mortals. Chiron is most well known for this, having tutored Achilles, Hercules and Asclepius, it is said he had great knowledge of medicine, alchemy and healing. Chiron blessed wedlock as well.

The dragon is a fantastic creature that has appeared in many different forms throughout our world. The Dragon is the epitome of power. Most dragons have been depicted as combinations of other animals. Some of these are a snakes body and a lions claws, or the wings of an eagle or bat. It is possible that they may have had multiple heads, or shapeshifted, thus appearing in a variety of forms.
Mythology - The actual word 'dragon' comes from 'drakon,' Greek for serpent or great worm. The Greek perception of the dragon eventually became the prototype of the Western world. Dragons are most often seen as guarding treasures, or doorways to treasures, for example, the spring next to the tree upon which hung the Golden Fleece. The Basilisk, a well known dragon of legend, was one of great virulence. Cobra-like and most often known as a terrifying creature, it breathed fire and was equipped with a deadly venom. A look of its eyes could kill. It is said if a human comes across a basilisk and laid eyes upon it first, the human would live. However, should the dragon see them first, they would perish. The basilisk, despite the terror it brought upon those who knew of it, had magical powers as well. Its skin was capable of repelling snakes and spiders, and silver rubbed with its ashes would turn to gold. It is said crystal can reflect its gaze and deadly venom. Its been said its eyes are the gateway to the soul, and it is through the form of this dragon that we learn to gaze into the depth of peoples souls through their eyes. In Old English lore, the dragon is best described in the beast Grendel of the epic Beowulf. he Egyptian dragon was included in the population of snakes and such reptiles, and controled by the ibis. In Chinese mythology, dragons are powerful, and most often beneficent. Not only the traditional fire breathing beast, but they are connected to each of the elements. There is water and cloud dragons, and the most powerful, the Imperial Dragon. It always has five claws and holds, either under its chin or in its claws, a great pearl. This pearl was said to be magical, and whatever it was placed with, food, money, jewels and other objects would multiply.
Symbolism - The dragon symbolizes wisdom and power. The depiction of them often gaurding treasure suggests of hidden wisdom that will soon be opening up, or a new threshold that you will soon encounter in your life. The perception that it could kill with such ease and quickness suggests that perhaps the shock of such an encounter would bring about such sudden and intense changes that it was as if the humans previous life had ended. The death could represent the loss or death of some particular aspects of the persons life. The dragon has been the basis for many tales of both destruction and creation. This shows, if nothing else, the tremendous power associated with it.
Attributes - The basilisk form of the dragon can be called into the home when you travel, as it offers protection for the house and all that is within it. This protectors energy is so strong that should anyone even think of breaking in, they will feel extremely uncomfortable around the house, so much that they are most likely to avoid the house entirely. Of all the creatures in the faerie realm, it is the most feared creature, and inspires the most awe of all the creatures of this realm.

*Page by Sylvyr*

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