Mystical Fists

Back In Business!!

--- March 11th, 2004

That's right, after just one month I cannot bear it any longer. I'm back in game (Mystical Fists) but as more of a casual player instead of full time like I had been. What does this mean for you? Simply that I'll be trying to update the site as often as RL permits. This goes into effect starting today. I've already added new names to the Thief List and have updated all the downloadable files in Thief Ban. I guess I get to join the "Look at me, I'm quitting.... Look at me, I'm back" group now, LoL. Peace to all :)

-- Mystical Fists - LC


---=== Thief Ban (New) ===---

New to "Myst's Thief List" is the "Thief Ban" section. Here I will post a link to downloadable files which can be used by any player on LC to automaticly ban any characters on the list. I wrote this so the many people using such and such plugins can help in attempting to create consequences for in game actions. This is just another step beyond.


Pic By Peerless of LC



Last Updated - April 6th, 2004


I will prolly be reproducing many things that have been posted or created by other people/websites. Many times I'm just trying to preserve them in case the original website deletes them. I'll try my best to put credit where it is deserved and post a link to the original sites. If you find something you or someone else created and/or host and would like my copy and/or link removed please feel free to contact me.

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