Black Jewl
How to order a Pizza
1. Terminate the call with, "Rememer, we never had this conversation."

2. Tell the order taker a 'rival pizza place' is on the other line and you are going with the lowest bidder.

3. Say hello, act stunned for 5 seconds, then act like they called you.

4. Change you accent every 5 seconds

5. Move the mouth peice farther and farther away from your lips and when the order is done, quikly bring the mouthpeice to your lips and scream "Good Bye" at the top of your lungs.

6. Have a movie with lots of gun shots running very loud in the background, every time there is a gunshot, yell "Ow!"

7. When listing your toppings, include another pizza.

8. When your order is repeated, change it a little, when they repeat that, change it again, when they repeat THAT change it again and say, "You just don't get it, do you!"

9. At the end of your order, when they say, "Will that be all?" Give an evil laugh and say, "We'll find out won't we?"

10. Call in and say, "I love green peppers, but I can't eat them because..." {Make up some sickness or reasons you can't eat green peppers, then, explain what happened the LAST time you ate green peppers ;-) (Was rushed to the hospital, Barfed out guts, almost died, etc.)Have FUN!!!!!!}
A few ways to tell if you have Zim/Gir/Gaz/Dib-I-dious
1. You're obsessed with Tocos.

2. You have both a stuffed moose and pig.

3. Your friends have never seen Invador Zim, but know all about every episode.

4. You're certain there is a video game called Vampire piggies and Vampire Piggies II.

5. You, who knows nothing about styling hair, were able to make your hair look like Dib's.

6. You are able to DRAW

7. You can decode the Irken written language.
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