Hero Name: Embers.
Rank: Grand Master

Archetype: Tanker
Origin: Science
Server: Virtue
There once lived three sisters who had the power to control fire.  They grew up in Alora, where the sue of flame was strickly forbidden, the sisters successfully hid their secret  but lived in fear of being discoverd.  Alora believed taht fire was a tool of demons, to ensure their safty they passed a law stating that the unapproved use of fire was grounds for exacutation.  When the sisters heard of this law they grew very scared, and withdrew into their home.  This made the people of Alora Suspicous.  Then during the night the sisters neighbour's house caught fire and burnt to the ground.  All fingers pointed at the sisters, but before a trail could be had for them, the hateful people burnt the sisters house down with them locked inside.  Out of the ashes rose a being made of the fire taht they were so scared of.  This being found the town was guilty of hating their fellow man, and was consumed by the forbidden fire.  Embers became the name of the being, while knowing that someday the fire that had created her would also consume her as well.  She set out to rid the world of all evil, in hopes taht she would learn how to stay in a world she became to love.
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