~About Me~

Full Name: Cynthia (call me that and die!) Marie Graham (don't stalk me...lol.)
Nicknames: Cyndi, Cyndi-Lou, Lou-Lou, Loumas (Loumish), Unicorn, Helluka
Age/Birthday: I'm 15 now, but I'll be 16 April 14th. I expect lots of sweet 16 gifts, hehe. j/k.
Home: West Virginia (once again, don't stalk me, lol.)
School: Nazarene Christian Academy.  (Yeah, it kinda sucks. I have this one really witchy teacher.)
Only one good thing has come from me attending this school..
Single/Taken? I'm taken and deeply in love! *smiles* I am in no way single..
Best Friends: Traci, of course. Michael (my cousin), Stephen (my man!), Crystal, Alecia, and Jesse.
Best On-Line Friends: SHAWNERS!, TJ- Tony, Shannon P, Shannon H, Jennifer, Brian, Michelle, and Laura.
Chats that I'm on: ICQ (my number: 42639480), AOL Instant Messanger (PhAtGuMMy), Bolt (CandeeBabie), Yahoo! Voice Chat (CandeeBabie)
Singers/Bands that I listen to: Sarah McLachlan (she rox!), Goo Goo Dolls, Jewel, Sugar Ray, Jessica Andrews, Mariah Carey, Backstreet Boys, and tons more.
E-Mail Address: [email protected] (Send me fowards and die. So, you can't say that I didn't warn you. And your family can't sue me when I kill you.)

This is my school pic. It was taken back in Oct. so since then I've chopped all my hair off. *kicks herself* I should never have done that, hehe. I know this pic. is big, but sorry! It's me. :o) Wanna see a few new pics of me? Click here! :o)

I would tell you more about myself, but I won't, because if we ever do talk then what will we talk about? Hehe, you'll already know everything about me! So, if you want to know anything else, just ask. :o)
subtle[email protected]

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