WhAck ThOuGhTs!

Feb. 14, 2000       Mood:  :-|
Well, hehe, new section! I had this type of thing going on my last page, and it worked out pretty cool. And even if no one else reads this, it's fun for me to look back on!
I must say, today sucks rather badly. I haven't thought about it TOO much, but when I do it's frickin' depressing! Yeah, yeah, of course today is gonna suck, for me at least. My b/f (Stephen) is like 8 hrs. away.. :*o(
Don't ask dumb questions..of course I miss him!
NO! I just broke another nail.. :-\ ahem..otay, I'm over it..
OH GOSH! Why am I not in school you ask? 'Cuz my parents own and work at a flower shop (isn't that NIFTY?!) and V-day is like a living hell to them! A hell full of pretty flowers, but nonetheless it's hectic! They had to go to work a heckuva lot earlier than usual, and didn't have time to drive me to school.
You see, I wouldn't have this problem next year if my stupid parents would let me get my lisence when I turn 16 in April! The benefits of having a lisence (sensible ones, at least): I can get a job, I can save my dad the gas money and drive myself to school, I can run errands and stuff for my mom. I'm NOT asking for much here! Just a job, so I can have sum MOOLAH..ah yes..that word has a rather nice ring to it, don't you think? ;o)
Hm, well, I hope I get my package today from Stephen..but I'll only get it if my parents have the time to stop by the post office. SEE! If I could drive then I could go pick it up myself..save my parents some fricking trouble, but NOOOO..*ahem* I'm over it...I swear..
Consider yourself lucky if you're with your significant other today..
As for me, and my cousin Mike, hehe, we'll sit at home, ALONE, narf, narf..
HAPPY V-DAY to all you lovestruck fools! LOL

-*Go Back Home*-

Feb. 26, 2000   Mood:  8-P~  Time: 8:06 or sumphen !
Hidey ho! I haven't written anything since Valentine's day?! Jeez. I am SO behind! Skool haz been crazy...you wouldn't believe. Test after test after test..BLAH. But tis tha weekend..what am I talkin' 'bout?!
HAH! I'm listening to Backstreet Boys...my *old* obsession. Did you see those guyz on the Grammys? Howie and AJ were so incredibly hot! But, of course..why am I acting surprised? Just because I lost my obsession for them doesn't mean that theys still aren't HOT! *slaps forehead*
'Come on girl and get down! Smack it up, flip it, and move it all around, put you at the topa my list, UH!' Sorry...I'm over it..
St. Patricks Dat iz coming up...DON'T forget to wear lotsa green! Unless of course you feel like getting the hell pinched out of you at school. and I quote, "That crab pinched the friggin' hell outta me!" - Traci Sue
Such language..shame. *shakes head*
In honor of my old on-line diary...I'm going to put my friend John's name up here..joker_69! There ya go, John, hehe.
Am I rambling? Yes- I'm trying to think of something of interest to stick up here.
OH! SCOTTY IS GAY! huhhuhuhuh..
For a good time call 862-2046 ROFLMAO Good thing you dun know the area code, huh?
For a REALLY good time, send an e-mail to: [email protected]
He's going to beat me to a bloody pulp for that.. :oD
I'm going back to Charleston wif the school March 6th..last time we went was like 2 weeks ago, and the bus frickin' broke down for THREE FRICKING HOURS....and we were stuck on the side of the road half the time.
I had to walk around the capital all day in HEELS and a DRESS!...I thought I was gonna die...don't you feel sorry for me? Yeah, shut up.
I'm so dumb that I'm going back :-D This time I'm buying a dress suit and FLAT shoes to wear....I learned my lesson. I don't care how short I look!
I'm now listening to Natalie Imbruglia...what a change, LOL
Is sitting here and typing all of this considered talking to myself? Jeez..I hope not. Have I answered myself yet? OH NO! I think I have...oops.
Stephen's concert is today...he has to do little dance numbers and stuff *hehe* isn't that just ADORABLE? It's hilarious! ;o) I hope he does good...or DID good. I'm not sure if it's already over. His school placed 22nd in the C++ (computer programming class) competition that he was in yesterday.
Oh yeah...I dropped some film off at K-Mart Thursday...most of the pics are of me...I took them so I could scan 'em then send 'em to Stephen. I hope they turn out good...I should have 'em by Monday!
AWWWW! poor Shawn! Him and some guy beat each other half to death (I'm exaggerating, duh.) Wednesday night at his karate class...poor thing. I need to send him a get-well card...LOL NO!..they did it on purpose and are continuing next Wednesday! not my fault that he's insane!
I think I'm goin' skating with the church Wednesday...but I ain't skatin'..can't ya tell that I'm too clumsy for somethin' like that? I'm not coordinated!
JEEZ! Lemme go before this turnz into a novel...I pity da foo' who readz all dis! PEEEEEEEEEACE!!! ;o)

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