w Memories


These are just my archived journal entries, the ones that date from March 21st to June 1st are from 'Livejournal'.

            I'm just never satisfied

Ack, more than a month since I last updated - time really does fly! Although its been like a month I havn't done much, however, I did go to Gemma's b/day thingy majig and as much as I don't want to admit it, I actually had quite a good time.

As for my 'new' job, I'm having a hard time remembering, well, anything. Theres soooo much to remember and the order that everything has to be done in is so tough to get right. Well, I'll get there, I manage every other change that goes on in our building!

Got to be off, will update again soon though!

            A day like today!

Ok, I know, I havn�t updated in AGES, but I have been busy�.sleeping takes up a lot of time! That�s not the only thing I�ve been busy with though, nope, I�ve also had a �mini� promotion at work, so I�m sucking up to my bosses as much as possible!

It�s such a lovely day today, I�m actually wearing a skirt and a vest top *g* and I�ve been sat in the garden pretty much all day! That�s one good thing about living in the UK, when the sunshine appears you actually appreciate it, what with all the rain we get throughout the year a bit of sun brings out the happy side of people!

I havn�t been up to much since I last posted. I finished my web sites, finally, I�ve got like 7 on the go and keeping them all running and making sure there aren�t any dodgy links etc its becoming a bit of a chore! Still, I�m really pleased with them (well accept 1, which was a bit of a rushed attempt), my damn hard work of teaching myself HTML coding is starting to pay off!

Oh, had a really bad morning at work yesterday! I would like someone to please explain to me why customers/visitors insist on telling you how to do you job and argue with you even though you going to have an answer to everything they ask because they�re WRONG!!! Luckily towards late morning I was doing my other work so didn�t have to deal with anyone. I HATE people!

Speaking of which, it�s Gemma�s b/day thing this eve, which I�m actually dreading � I�ve got to be at work early tomorrow morning (that�s right, a SUNDAY!) so I�ve got to leave Gemma�s fairly early and, to top it all off there are going to be a couple of people there I can�t stand! I�m sorry, I don�t mean to sound selfish, and I know I�m not perfect but please, everyone that gets on my nerves should be flown off into space and left there � not on a planet, just left, floating in space!

Well, I had better be going, got to wash my hair. Hope y�all have a good day/weekend/week!

            That dreaded Sunday morning

Ack, havnt updated for a few days. I've been sooo busy, went shopping on wednesday when I got home from work then slept, thursday Roz came round, friday I went to see KT and then yesterday I just slept...so tired!!!

Not to sure what to say actually, 'cept that I'm tired and my feet REALLY hurt, some stupid slapper trod on my foot with stupid pointy heals and now I have a huge bruse! I hate slappers so much, what gives them the right to wear stupid fasion and then damage other peoples body parts in the proccess!?!? DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL!! Speaking of stupid fasion, my shoes, they have damaged my feet beyond belief, i have 2 blisters next to each other (can only just wear my trainers and the buckle of my shoe (one two buckle my shoe, three four....) has rubbed a mossie bite 'red raw'!

Anyways, I'm gonna try and finish my website today, wish me luck and I'll let y'all know when its finished!


            Ugh, a Monday

So, my second post in two days, how well is this going?! Wasn't feeling to well this morning I almost called in sick, then, when I did turn up for work I was soooo tempted to go home, but I didn't, I stuck it out, all through the rude people and the bad smells! I'm actually glad I did, the cute guy turned up just as I was leaving *drools*, man hes's hot! I felt kinda guilty though, I had turned my 'puter off by the time he turned up so I couldn't sort his pass out, would have bent over backwards to give him a pass!

What did I do today? Ok so as you know, I went to work and came home (nothing new there then)! Thats actually pretty much all I've done, 'cept watch Home and Away (wasn't very exciting today) and go to ASDA where I bought...guess....RAINBOW DROPS!! Do you remember those, they're soooo YUM!! Give it 10 minutes and I'll be hyper as hell!!!!

Anyways, had better be off, (X Files is starting soon!), se y'all soon!

            - - - - -

Well, hey ho there! Just started this journal, I did have another but I cant remember what site I used and even if I did I doubt I would be able to remember my user name/password!

what have I done today? Erm, went to Hobby Craft so my mum could by some more knitting 'accessories', shes having a bit of a knitting splurge so I've take advantage of this and shes knitting me 3 tops and a hat, my very own clothes maker - *shocked* I must be famous/rich/or both! I've also finished another site - yay me, this is going pretty well me thinks, I'm trying to get my 'Mystical Pixies' aka Milagro Charm site up and running again, I've got the new layout I've just got to add the pictures and stuff, shouldnt be long now *smiles*!

Thats all I can be arsed to write now, I'll add some more tomorrow!

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