w Welcome


Well, greetings my fellow 'netter', hope all is well! I'm assuming if you are here you have either done a very random link clicking from another site or you're one of my friends taking a look around coz I threatened to shoot you if you didnt! Anyhoo, I hope you like, and please, feel free to take a look around.

            TFI Friday

Well the site is now completed, I actualy finished it a few days ago (when I was at work - teehee) but never got around to letting people know it's finished. I also finished my monsoon fanlisting today aswell, I'm on a bit of a roll - yay me!

I'm so glad its Friday, I've been so bored at work all week, plus this new job is draining me, I have to have so much training, they're telling me its because theres a lot to learn, but I think it's because I have no clue what I'm doing. Actually, it's going better now, I'm understanding the order that everything needs to be done in! One good thing about this week is that I've been at Lion gate aswell, so I havn't had to put up with any, well, you know, *THOSE* people! It's kinda nice going through a whole week without some twat having a go at you because they think they have the right to walk around a Naval Base without any security clearance >:ol *slaps them silly*.

I 'm aiming to start and finish my Redux/Reduxll Fanlisting this weekend, hmmm, I can see the procrastination happening already. I'm really looking forward to completing this one :o) I'm also kind of nervous about it.

I'm going to toddle off now, getting hunger pains (nothing new there) so am going to get some food. TTFN!


Awwww, my first post on my new site layout. I've spent the past 2 days designing this site, and although that might not sound very long, I was sat up until the wee hours oh the morning just creating the image for the site! *yawns* I am actually REALLY happy with the layout of the site, very different to my other layouts!

Anyhoo, since my last journal post (almost a month ago) I havnt actually done that much ('cept make websites - teehee). I'm in the middle (ish) of 2 weeks off work and during my first week off I decorated my room, yup, thats right, it took me ALL damn week!

I have also found that sitting on the bed faffing with your computer makes the days go v.fast! I'm not sure why, maybe it's just I'm concentrating more than usual :os Because of that I do plan on going out tomorrow, having difficulty deciding where to though, 'specialy as it's going to rain (suprise suprise), I hate this damn country, so cold and dull and rainy and windy in June, I mean, HELLO - what gives?

I've just received bad news from Kt, the guy I thought was cute in Homebase, is gay *shocked*, I always thought I was pretty good at being able to tell if people are gay, but nope, not this time. He was sooo totaly cute though - I want to cry!

Well, I'm going to go some more stuff to the the site, try to get it finished (well, close to), so I'll post again soon! xxx

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