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Want to join? E-Mail me or /tell Mountaingou in game. We are guild #3823618
Upcomming Events: Guild Meeting 9/15
Mystical Black Knights
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                                     Incomming Transmission....
                                       General Mountaingou transmitting...
                                       Current Date: 9/18/02
                                       Current time: 7:05 AM EST

               Hello MBK,
First off I would like to say thank you for making our first guild meeting successful. Many topics were brought up and disscussed and some new changes have been made. I have not been online for a few days because my ISP kind of screwed me over. But I fixed it and I am back! Also I would like to welcome all new MBK members that joined when I was away.
AO Basher
AO Stratics
Prof. Guides
Martial Artist
                                     Incomming Transmission....
                                       General Mountaingou transmitting...
                                       Current Date: 9/6/02
                                       Current time: 1:48PM EST

In a recent Funcom statement by Cosmik, the new patch will be out September 10. The new patch will include a lot of new items. New implants from Jobe and "Enhanced" implants. All general armor will be available at QLs 1-220! Yes that is right, 220. As will the Enhanced implants. These new innovations and ideas will be implimented so be prepared to sell that QL 200 armor and get yourself some 220 armor. To see all the patch notes on the Test Server, Go here. This patch is going live on September 10th.
                                     Incomming Transmission....
                                       General Mountaingou transmitting...
                                       Current Date: 9/4/02
                                       Current time: 2:18AM EST

Monkey412 reports that the next guild meeting will be held on Sunday the 15th of September at 8:00pm EST. We will adress some current issues at hand such as where this guild is headed and if anyone has any ideas to make MBK great. Please E-mail some of your suggestions to me or you can wait for the guild meeting. Also Monkey412 reports that all MBK are invited to attend the Rubi-Ka Ball. News one the Ball such as where and when it will be held will be posted as it comes in. Thank you for your patience and let MBK live forever.
Terminal Skin
Dovve's Map/Skin
Nano Nanny
Add Guild Buddies
                                      Incomming Transmission.....
                                       General Mountainou transmitting....
                                       Current Date: 9/01/2002
                                       Current Time: 12:00 AM EST

                First off I would like to apologize for recent events where 3 of our Guildmembers have quit do to reasons you all know. I am not going to point the blame at anyone but I must say that I want these 3 to come back. Kate left to make a guild, last I heard Frets is in another already, and Fixallday is thinking of comming back. I apologize to everyone. In other news, the site will be updated with a section of Quests such as Alvin and the Fixer Grid Quest. A new thing will be a list of "special NCPs" that are scattered across rubi-Ka. The Profession guides will be updated but I do not know the ETA on all of them. I am sorry for this delay. I was not prepared enough to launch this site.


                                  Incomming transmission......
                                   General Mountaingou transmitting....
                                   Current Date: 08/26/2002
                                   Current time: 12:01 GMT

Welcome all Mystic Black Knights,
             This Site has been launched and will contain all you need to know about upcomming events and as much information on the professions of the game to use at your disposal. More will follow this information as the guild grows and prospers. We will give information about all Guild members if they choose to let it be posted.

              Guild President Monkey412 will be available at E-mail shortly. All commanding officer's will be available via e-mail. Enjoy this site and on behalf of all in MBK, welcome.

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