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Profession: Martial Artist
                                              Prefered Breed(s): Opifex, Solidus
                                              Weapons: Fists
                                              Team value: Tank/Puller, Light Healer

The Martial Artist is a profession unlike any other. The martial artist uses his/her fists to do Melee based damage. They are mostly a one of a kind profesion. Using nanos to add and change the base damage type, they become one of the most formitable foes in Rubi-Ka today. They are very difficult to kill, with evades skills able to be raised fast and at a low expence. They are masters of Healing as well as killing machines. They are formitable against many profession types. Some Martial artists are known to use bows. Also claws may be use but both are not recomended due to the fact they nerf the amout of damage you do, almost making later nanos usless. The Claws require skill raising that is unnessesary and down right silly.

                                          IP like in other professions is a problem for the MA. With many skills needing to be raised with a limited amount of IP to do it, they become a hard profession to play between early levels. They still do a lot of damage at early levels and can solo some types of missions. They are excellet teamers and are great at hunting as awell as missions. Some martial Artist can rival strong Enforcers in damage with the right implants and nanos(MA nanos). Starting off the MA is easy, just follow the skill raising Guide below of in-depth articals of what to raise.
  ***Please note that this guide is for Fist users not for claw users. I personally do not think that an MA should use claws. Thank you.***
All Below skills are used basicaly for everything

These skills are used in every attack
Martial Arts
The skills are used in attacks and in nano casting. Runspeed speaks for itself
Phisical Init.  DO NOT always raise this.
Nano Init.      
DO NOT always raise this, only up to about 200 or so.
Evade Clsc.
Evade Ranged
Dodge Exp.
This is not an essencial skill but helpful at low levels without vehicles
Trade & Repair                                                                          
Only one is used in this tab
Comp. Lit.     Used for the Grid and for NCU. You definatly need this.
Nano & Aiding                                                                           
These are used for Nano Programs and treatment labs, nano rechargers, etc.
Matter Met.  Should only be raised to 128 for the Muscle Stim Nano.( Muscle booter is 339)
Bio Met.
Psyco. Mod.
Time & Space
Sensory Imp.
Used for maps and Vehicles
*Map Nav.
*Vehicle Air
Used in Hiding and seeing the hidden
* symbolizes skills that are optional to raise
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