The Beginning of My Journey, Starts With Childhood
March 3, 1929

I was born into this world, unknowing of what was to come, blind to the evil of this world, and the good. I was a child of Vanessa and Charles Jones. They were not poor, nor wealthy, just middle class. They gave me a name, Serena Michele Jones.  I at this time were their only child. Their first child to be exact. To them, I just seemed like an ordinary baby, and I was. If only they knew of what was to destiny....

December 16, 1933

I lived in California, a rich part of the city. My father just got promoted and we were becoming wealthy. At the age of 4, my mother had another child. My beloved sister, Tranquil. I of course, being the older sister was very protective of her, always trying to be more of the mother figure, for my mother was a drunk. Always yelling about, blaming our father for things he never did, and blaming me for being in existence.  At one time she claimed my new baby sister was the devil. Why she said such things, it will always be a mystery.

Growing up...

When father was at work, I feared to be alone with my mother. She became abusive, but my father never knew it, she lied saying I fell while I was playing or something of that sort. I took most of the hits for my sister, mother hardly beat little Tranquil, I protected her from that.

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