Learning the Ways of the Shadows...Dealing with the Present
Sydney taught me alot about my new bloodline, my inheritance and so forth...more how to live in the shadows, that it was my new life...I was a stubborn childe, and liked to experiment with drugs, alchohol, and other such things. Also being slightly insane did not help a bit. Sydney bascically beat it out of me, causing me to straighten up. After I regained more of my sanity, I tried to make my sire proud. She was training me for the sect, The Black Hand, which she was apart of. I was strong and I grew even stronger throughout all the years. We traveled all over, wherever her job lead her. We live in New York as of right now.

My second love of my life came to me, so unexpectanly. I met a man in Atlanta, he was a charming Italian man, and so repulsive of how he treated women, like they were just an object for him to mold into his own way, and use them and throw them away. Antinio Giovanni,  I dispised him, and turned him down when he tried his seducing ways on me. When Sydney and I moved to New York, he inviited me to his new night club. I went, just to check it out. It seems I grew an interest in him.  I started frequenting the place, and of course Sydney did not like the idea, but she let it known to me, but I still did not care.

Sydney shortly after had to go work in Russia, and I continued seeing Antinio. I loved him, but I tried not to let him know. Love, sadley as it is, is my weakness. Once I love someone, I never let it go. His family did not like me seeing him, nor did any of the ladies. I was the envy of all, and I loved it. But it all caught up to me, and the Don of his family, was going to set out a hitman to dispose of me. A tip for everyone...never get involved with the mafia.

Antinio gave me an option to live, I took it, but he had to erase all memories of him. I refused and still he let me go. Before I left for Russia to be with my sire, and let all the death threats simmer down before I returned to New York, I saw him one last time. He then in his own way, told me he loved me. I wasn't planning on returning to New York, but I did. My heart can and probally never will let go of Antinio. Like Kenneth, he will always be in my heart.

Just shortly after my return, I met a  girl of the name of Julianna. She is an ex-FBI paranormal type agent. I found her amusing and could be a great addition to my small family. I am thinking of takeing her in as my first childe. After a month, she ran away with her boyfriend and a bunch of Brujah. She is dead now, cause i killed her.

Recently, I had a battle with my insanity. Why? I have no clue. Wesley was released from training me, and now my dear mother Sydney is back to my training. And psst.. I think I have a crush on one of my dear friends TJ Blackstone.
Discipline sheet..for future references
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