<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/mysticaldreams57/userfiles:/user/cracklinrose.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Any clip-art images used in these sets that are not of my original design are from commercial clip-art CD's,  from my own scans or are free clips. In certain sets copyrighted images have been used with permission and I have indicated this. If you believe that any images used may be copyrighted and credit has not been given, please let me know and I will remove them immediately. It is not my intention to take credit for someone else's hard work.
The terms for using my graphics are not negotiable.  Please respect the time and effort that I have spent on these sets
The graphics on this site are linkware, meaning that they may be used for free on personal, non-commercial, non-profit pages that are created by the owner of the site, providing that you give me credit (including a link to this site, the URL is  http://www.geocities.com/mysticaldreams57/index.html) for the graphics on every page that they are used on. A link somewhere on a credit page is not acceptable.  
Sites using my graphics must be suitable for viewing by all ages. Please refrain from using my graphics on pages promoting child abuse, hate, bigotry, racism, animal abuse and/or illegal pornographic activities.
When using these sets, please don't link to this server.  If you don't know why, it's called stealing band-width.   Another reason not to link to the graphics at this site is that I change graphics frequently.  You may get up one morning to find that you have an entire site of broken images. To save to your disk or hard drive, position your cursor over the graphic you wish to save, right-click on your mouse and choose "save this image as" from the pop-up menu.  Click on "save" or "ok" to save the image to your hard drive. Remember to write down which file you saved the image in.
If you use any of my graphics, please send me an e-mail informing me, including the URL that they are used at. The purpose in this is two-fold. (1.) I just enjoy looking at new sites.
(2.) I'll add a link to your page from mine. *unless you ask me not to*.
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