<BGSOUND SRC="yugi.wav">
Welcome to
Mystical Elf;
my Yu-Gi-Oh! site
Episode Summaries
Schedule The Story
Character Profiles Character Pics Monster Pics
Millenium Items Wallpapers Multimedia
I still watch, play and love yu-gi-oh, but I have not updated this site for a very long time, and honestly I do not plan to. I'm still going to leave the stuff I have up and feel free to sign my guestbook, but there will be no more updates.
Click Here to Visit! Miyechi Top 100
Card of the month
Email any questions or comments to [email protected]
Aug. 20- New layout for the main page. Also new card of the month section.
Aug. 14- Started work on the links page. If you would like me to link to your web page or become an affilate, just email me.
July 22- Updated the schedule.
June 17- Added a link to a Yu-Gi-Oh! quiz which I created the questions for. Kinda easy though. Seriously doubt there'll be any more updates unless for a special request,
June 11- Added lots more pics to the monster section. They include some of the Dark Magician Girl.
June 10- Added the English Opening video file to the multimedia section. Hopefully have the Japanese opening and ending audio files soon. One new wallpaper.
June 9- Got some wallpapers up and added some more monster pics. Camp started so I don't think I'll be able to update as much.
jade0508 got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com
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