Before Puchasing an APBT.
There are a few things you should know and understand before purchasing an American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT).  APBT's are very people oriented dogs, they are protective of their families.  They are very obediant and do very well in training.  As mid-active dogs they need their excersize and play, however some would rather be couch potatoes!  This is a breed that does not have such a great reputation with media and some public in general.  Irresponsible owners take advantage of the loyalty of this breed.  They have fallen subject to hatred and predjuice, thanks to these owners and unknowing media.  They only like to report the bad of course!  For this reason, you may not always be met with welcome arms when with your APBT, and you will be subjectable to some criticisim.  Our responsibility as owners of this great breed is to prove the media and critics wrong, by raising a great dog, i.e. being a breed ambassador.  American Pit Bull Terriers are excellent with children of all ages, contrary to the popular misconception.  APBT's can sometimes be dog aggressive, and you should stay fully aware of this.  However I do not mean that all pits will be dog agressive so do not misunderstand.  As with any other breed, males and females tend to prove dominance over others of the same gender.  There is no difference, it is just a possibility that you must be aware of.  The main thing is to keep them well socialized.  Introduce them to different dogs, male and female, as well as different people and children of all ages.  Doing this as they are growing will ensure that you will have a wonderful APBT when grown!  But make certain that you are a responsible owner especially with this breed.  We need great dogs to help bring them out of this bad ora that has become of them.  Responsible ownership is a must. After reading this if you are still interested in acquiring and APBT and you are willing to face the criticisim that you may recieve, as well as willing to give all the love you can to this breed, fight to help save them as they are becoming banned, then the great American Pit Bull Terrier is just the dog for you!
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