My Wonderful High School Years
����������� Instead of attending a traditional high school, I was given the opportunity to attend an alternative high school.� I feel as if this was the best move I could ever have made.� The alternative high school that I went to was called Point Option.� It was very small and had a family like environment.� We had one teacher for every subject, except for English, which had two.� This meant every teacher knew your name and usually where you were supposed to be at that time.
    Point Option's population was very small, a necessity to keep the program running.� It had about 90 students enrolled in its program with an average of 70 showing up on a daily basis.� This meant that you had anywhere from five to an extreme of fifteen students in each class at a time.� This was very important factor because this allowed a lot of one-on-one contact between the teacher and student take place.� With smaller classes, it's easier for the teacher to teach and address any of the student's particular weaknesses,� which is what a lot of the students, who attended this school, needed.� This is the ideal learning environment for someone who has trouble paying attention in regular public schools, without having to go to the extreme of becoming home schooled.�
The environment at my school was one of the warmest and most caring groups of people that I have ever associated with.� Everyone was treated like a member of your own family but was still given many freedoms.� Everyone worked together to help one another if you could see they were having problems.� This loving environment that everyone displayed was highly encouraged and taught by the wonderful staff of Point Option.� It was also reinforced by many bonding activities. �For example, twice a year, we would have a "family picnic."� On these days we would go to our morning classes and at lunch time everyone would drive over to the nearby park, we would play games in the park, and we would eat all the "picnic food" that everyone had brought.� We would have one in the fall so that everybody could get to know all the new people who had just started that year and then we would have one in the spring as a farewell to all the graduating seniors of that year.� We would also have a Thanksgiving dinner every year.� This was similar to the picnic, but we would stay at our school and everyone would bring in a "thanksgiving" food.� We would all eat in the same room and talk about everything we were thankful for.� Another bonding activity we would do was go on "Magical Mystery Tours."� This was just there fancy name for field trips.� There would be three different options to choose from, ranging from: the Newport News Park ropes course, trip to the beach, or to see a play at the Coliseum. �We would all take a day and go on the field trip of our choice, but it wasn't only for fun, we would have educational assignments to complete while we were there.�
All the teachers and staff were always understanding and always there to help you if you ever needed anything.� They understood a lot of the student's situations that attended Point Option.� A lot of the students came from a rough family background and sometimes needed special attention.� They would look out for us and was usually willing to go beyond just teaching if they felt they could do something to help out someone's situation.
I loved going to this school and I was really privileged to be able to go there.� The teachers were always caring and helpful.� A small learning environment was important and helped us all to succeed.� I loved the fact that the whole school was like a family and I would never change anything about Point Option.
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