The Importance of Donating Blood Is Still Upon Us
    During the last few weeks, I have been volunteering at the American Red Cross Hampton Roads chapter.� This was a service learning project assigned in my English class.� We were required to put in fifteen to twenty hours of community service at a not-for-profit organization.� With all the tragic events that have recently reshaped all Americans thoughts and attitudes, I wanted to volunteer with The American Red Cross.�
    I highly encourage everyone who has some free time on their hands to volunteer also.� Many organizations need volunteers, not just the American Red Cross.� It gives you a strong sense of satisfaction thinking about the people you have just helped.� When I was volunteering for the Red Cross, what worked best with my schedule was to help them at their office building.� Since I was only required to put in so few hours, I did not go through the whole training process that the other volunteers do.� This just helps you learn about the importance of the Red Cross and its functions.� It lets you consider all the ways to help so that you can pick what best fits you.� When volunteering, you can help in any of the five different services: Disaster Services, International Services, Health and Safety Services, Armed Forces Emergency Services, and Biomedical Services.� I went in and spent a few hours at a time helping out the volunteer coordinator around her office.� I helped her get together all the information about new volunteers starting with the Red Cross, did filing, made copies, and did whatever other office work she needed me to do.�
    When volunteering with the Red Cross, I found out about the important need for volunteer blood donors.� Blood donations are very low right now.� Fortunately, the blood banks were greatly replenished after the September 11 terrorist attacks by the generosity of the American people.� But a major drop in blood donations has occurred since then.� Many people feel as if the Red Cross has more blood then it needs for now or that the Red Cross is using it on other things.� This is not the truth!� "There is a real concern that blood donations could drop off sharply and endanger out national preparedness before a crisis" (Statement by the American Red Cross on Blood Donations).
    Before the attack, nationwide there was a one-to-three day blood inventory, which is considered a very low level and which has led to an occasional shortage of blood to hospitals nationwide.� After the rush of donations directly following September 11, it was increased to a ten-day supply.� Because of these blood donations, the supply of red blood cells was tripled.� This is considered necessary because of the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks.� The blood supply was then at its best condition in all its history. This is important at such an unpredictable time.� The Red Cross is now much more prepared for a rush of needed blood than before the September 11 attack.� If another terrorist attack were to happen, the Red Cross would be much more prepared to respond to the whole nation.� The Red Cross was able to triple its available blood supply and has always encouraged an adequate blood bank supply. With a bigger supply of blood, the ability to help people who depend on blood components is greatly increased.�
    Tragically, since shortly after September 11, the blood supply dropped again.� The blood supply is now back down to a one-to-three day supply.� In order to keep the blood cell inventory at a ten day supply, 25,000 new blood donations are needed every day.� This is why it's so important to keep donating blood on a regular basis.� Blood is always needed, not just after a national crisis.� The demand might increase at these times of need, but the need for blood is always high.� One of the worst things that could occur is for people to think that there is no longer a need for blood or to stop donating all together.� "Our blood supply has to be replenished everyday regardless of world events.� Blood is a perishable commodity and must be regularly replaced" (Statement by the American Red Cross on Blood Donations).
    Everyone who has donated blood since the attack should know that their blood was needed and greatly appreciated.� All the donations that met the requirements were used.� The American people made a great impact and because of their generosity in donating blood, the American Red Cross was able to have an increase ability to help the people in need.�
    Volunteering has made a great impact on my life knowing that I'm helping out people in need.� I feel it is important to volunteer at the offices at the Red Cross building.� But even if you can't do that, please consider donating blood.� This is an act that is easy to do and doesn't take up much of your time.� You can give blood at the Red Cross building or at one of the sites that it puts up throughout the community every few weeks.� They're usually held at places around the city like malls.� It is very important to victims of fires, accidents, or diseases, who depend on this blood.� You can see how important it is to keep up with our regular blood donations so that the blood supply does not have another great decrease.� "Once again, it is imperative for our national preparedness and the daily treatment of potentially fatal disease that Americans continue to generously donate blood" (Statement by the American Red Cross on Blood Donations).
Works Cited
"Statement by the American Red Cross on Blood Donations." American Red Cross. Online.  < statement.html>.
"Youth Services." American Red Cross. Online. < youth/>.
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